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Important: (Well, kind of "Important")
January 26, 2023
The Men's Senior Golf Association (SGA) at North Ridge Country Club, Raleigh NC, USA is a group whose primary purpose is: Enjoying golf!
SGA members also have at least three major tournaments a year, held at North Ridge:
In addition, SGA members may sign up to participate in the Capital City Interclub events. The events are one-day flighted events (with lunch) held throughout the months of April-thru-October.
The SGA also holds frequent one-day shotgun start events (most include lunch) for SGA members.
The purpose of this Web site is to provide information related to the above as well as to provide a central place for inter-member (SGA-related) communication.
Some of manys' favorite spots on the Oaks.
Votes for Favorite Spots on the NRCC courses are starting to come in:
Let me know, when you have time to let me know what YOUR
favorite spot or spots are on NRCC golf courses.
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com
More Oaks Views....
![]() |
Clicking, below, will bring you a larger-sized image put together using Google Earth photos. You will have to "scroll around" some. See if you can see all 36-holes from 3000 ft.
News/Most-Recent Updates
Note: Keep in mind that this Website is unofficial and you should be relying on Chris B's eMails/etc. and the locker room bulletin board. Have a good 2022!! and
Regards, Dave Shogren - "Webmaster" of this site.
Our supportive Pro: Chris Brumbaugh, PGA continues to be our main communicator. Thank you Chris!
Chris B's Note September 3, 2022 PDF
(Note: To view info via the links pointed to within the PDF, you will need to Sign-In to the North Ridge main site).
Sign-up for both the Individual and the Two-Player Team competitions has been finalized. Chris B's 2022 Match Play Brackets:
For Unofficial Match Play Information see:
June 14, 2020: I have not checked the Lakes Scorecard recently -- I will, someday (I play the Oaks, mostly). However, I see the Oaks has been re-sloped/etc. following the 2019 renovation. I wondered what would happen to Oaks #5 and Oaks #17 hcp-wise: Now, I know. For info -
(The following is just for info... Yds are from Forward (White) tees. Stay tuned for "all" tees/etc. to be shown (someday..).
Yds / Hcp (Now)
Yds / Hcp (Before 2019 Reno.)
377 / 1 374 / 5 | 2nd
364 / 7 361 / 11 | 3rd
166 / 9 164 / 15 | 4th
360 / 3 357 / 1 | 5th
496 / 11 495 / 17 | 6th
453 / 17 434 / 9 | 7th
339 / 5 341 / 3 | 8th
134 / 15 136 / 13 | 9th
318 / 13 315 / 7 |
343 / 2 342 / 12 | 11th
445 / 12 446 / 2 | 12th
352 / 10 355 / 4 | 13th
136 / 16 127 / 14 | 14th
343 / 4 350 / 6 | 15th
137 / 18 138 / 16 | 16th
320 / 8 331 / 10 | 17th
320 / 6 324 / 18 | 18th
485 / 14 468 / 6 |
Course Rating / Slope (Oaks White, Gold, Blue, Black, Red) White 69.1 / 125, Gold 72.7 / 134, Blue 71.1 / 125, Black 67.2 / 118, Red 65.0 / 112 White 68.6 / 123, Gold 72.1 / 132, Blue 70.3 / 129, Black 66.9 / 115, Red 64.4 / 97 |
CASMGA Interclubs are "back in full swing". Good! I will be updating the following page as soon as time allows. Of course, Chris' information on the official North Ridge site is the important/actual-planned schedule.
NRCC SGA CASMGA Interclubs Main Web Page
However - Remember, this Website is unofficial -- so, make certain you are keeping up with the official club Website / eMails and the club SGA bulletin board in the locker room.
As Chris' March-April 2021 note also mentioned, there is an additional, new (to us), 2021 Interclub program (CGA) available to 20+ participants. Sounds great and I look forward to hearing how the participants do. I may put together a Web page of that as time goes on if information is passed my way. Of course, Chris' information on the official North Ridge site is the important/actual-planned schedule/plans.
Sign-up for both the Individual and the Two-Player Team competitions has been completed.
Chris B's 2022 Match Play Brackets have been updated and made available. I will be updating this site's information as usual - asking, again, that you keep in mind this site is unofficial and the actual results are shown on the locker room wall-board and via Chris' monthly updates.
This Website's 2022 Match Play Brackets were here as May and the Summer 2022 play happened. For Unofficial Match Play Information see:
After 2022 play moved along, if you have any corrections/results you want posted on this Website, just eMail me.
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com
I have finally completed the 2022 Golf Course-oriented photo calendar. Fun, for me, to "trigger memories" via the photos. That said, if you have a photo or two that I could use instead of something that I am using: Terrific (my photos tend to be "repetitive" and boring to many of you, I am sure!) - Just send such to me when you have a chance to do so. Thank you, in advance, if you have a photo or two that you would be willing to share with me and with others.
If you are not sure what I am talking about, here, click, below to see the 2022 Calendar. (The link also leads you to past calendars if you are interested in such).
If you have any photos/comments, just eMail me.
You may have received an eMail from the USGA (if you are on their eMail distribution list). A part that caught my attention is briefly summarized below:
Of course -- always refer to the official USGA site. The link for the above as of April 1, 2018 was:
If you were/are a member of North Ridge CC in Raleigh NC. and you are reading this....
North Ridge's 50th anniversary was recently held. I am looking for any paper-or-other-hardcopy photos (or digital, for that matter) that you have in your possession and would be willing to share. If you DO have some old "stuff" and ARE willing to share, just send me an eMail and/or place the hard-copy photos in an envelope with your name on the envelope and have the locker room assistant place them in my locker. I will take care of scanning the hard-copy and getting the hard-copy back to you. My aim is to protect your material to the best of my ability and, in turn, get the hard-copy back to you intact. I will try my best...
I am especially looking for anything before 2005 or so -- and, for golf hole photos - but: Anything you may be willing to share as part of the 50th NRCC anniv. would be great.
If you eMail me, I will of course contact you to arrange for my scanning the hard-copy at your convenience.
Thank you in advance!
If you have never gone to THIS site's collection of Golf Hole photos that I maintain (clickable via this site's navigation), a direct link is:
If this topic is of interest to you and you have patience while Web browsing, sometime go to:
the "NR30" material shown there is not organized perfectly -- but, should give you a feeling for what I have now available. Of course, if you have any problems/concerns, just get back to me.
Calendar 2021
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com
New World Handicap System Designed to Welcome More Golfers
The new system will feature the following:
Dave Shogren -
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com
Shogren's Saved NRCC Golf Hole Photos
When there, just click on any golf hole to see the photos that I have archived.
View some "old stuff" that I have saved over the years related to NRCC
Dave Shogren -
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com
The most recent vote that came in was for Oaks #14 with the voter mentioning "I love the tee shot. It is so open and reminds me of Augusta". (Comment was made January 2021; after the 2019 renovation/tree removal, etc.). It will be interesting to see how the Oaks' "favorite holes" feeling(s) come about as time goes on post-2019 Oaks Renovation. For example: Oaks 18 used to be a general overall favorite and now the hole (for some of us) has changed enough that it may not rank so high "favorite-wise" It will be fun to follow how player's "feelings" come about / change as time goes on, Oaks Course renovation "matures", etc.
We had two votes come in during June, 2011. Thanks! Since then: No feedback. The votes were for Lakes 14 as "Turtle Hole" (that hole now has two vote-names: "Perfection" and "Turtle Hole"; I left the chosen name as "Perfection" as the votes are one-each and I make the final decision)! The second vote was for Lakes 16 and "Big Bertha" - Big Bertha continues to be the name of choice for Lakes 16.
Why not send YOUR vote in?
Lakes #14
![]() | Turtle Hole |
Lakes #16
![]() | Big Bertha |
If interested in this project, go to:
I had a vote come in for the best 18th hole of our CASMGA Interclubs. The voter picked #18 at Brier Creek. A good choice! See, below, for more information. Reminder: If you DO vote, please include your eMail address and name on your input (that will NOT be published; it, just, lets me know you are not a "spammer"). Thanks!
Answer/comment so far:
If you wish to vote, please go to: Vote for Interclub's Favorite/Best 18th Hole
If you have any answers/comments: "Archived" Questions/Answers From This Topic
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com
Other SGA / Senior Events Well, Senior Tuesdays, since 2014, have reverted to "Private Groups". However, there are a number of other SGA events. SGA (CGA) Interclubs As Chris' March-April 2021 note also mentioned, there is an additional, new (to us), 2021 (CGA) Interclub program available to 20+ participants. Sounds great and I look forward to hearing how the participants do. I may put together a Web page of that as time goes on if information is passed my way. Of course, Chris' information on the official North Ridge site is the important/actual-planned schedule/plans. Some 2021 Results: Congratulations to all.
COVID Won 2020. So -
To see some golf-hole photos of this October's play on the Lakes Course, click on the following: 2019 SGA Championship Congratulations to the participants and, once again, to "The Winners"
p.s. Yes - the Breakfast was appreciated and ice cream this year! Well done, Organizers! If you have any corrections/comments, just eMail me.
Note: Interclub and other SGA event signup are done online using the Club's site or by your contacting the Pro Shop. Any questions/etc.:
For now: Enjoy your SGA golf and let me know if you have a "Shot of the Day" to report! For the SGA Tuesday Main Web Page visit:
Shot of the (SGA)Day September 21, 2021
If you witnessed or executed another "Shot of the Day" as part of an SGA Event, just
To see an Archive of Shots of the Days go to:
NRCC SGA Archived Shots of the (Tues)Days Web Page
Senior CASMGA Interclubs
Tuesday August 16, 2022 - At North Ridge (Sorry, I do not know how 2021 year-End Championship went).
Some Previous Results:
Tuesday May 4, 2021 - At North Ridge
October 1, 2019 At North Ridge August 6, 2019 At Brier Creek CC
May 15, 2019 At Macgregor CC
October 24 at Devils Ridge
(CASMGA Trophy Competition)
October 2, 2018 At North Ridge CC (Oaks Course)
August 7, 2018 At Brier Creek CC
Tuesday May 22, 2018 at North Ridge
Wednesday May 9, 2018 - At Chapel Hill CC
August 17, 2017 - At Croasdaile CC
Wednesday June 28 - At Prestonwood CC
Tuesday June 6 - At Briar Creek CC
Monday April 3 - At Twelve Oaks CC
(Sorry, I was not active much in 2015/16. If you have some results that you have taken photos of - Scoreboards, etc. - don't hesitate to send such to me. Thank you, in advance; I will post them in the "archived" files for a particular year). Tuesday May 24 2016, At North Ridge CC
Tuesday April 28 2015, At Croasdaile CC
Some Previous 2014 Results:
CASMGA Championship Nov 5 2014
Wednesday September 17 2014, At Prestonwood CC
Tuesday August 12, 2014 - At North Ridge (Lakes)
Thursday August 5, 2014 - At Brier Creek GC
Thursday July 10, 2014 - At Croasdaile CC
Wednesday June 18, 2014 - At Devils Ridge CC
Tuesday May 20, 2014 - At North Ridge (Oaks Course)
Some Long-Time-Ago Results:
Wednesday October 16, 2013 - At Macgregor CC
Thursday September 5 - At Raleigh CC
Tuesday August 13, 2013 - At North Ridge CC
I will not play in all 2015 Interclubs. If you have photos or North Ridge results you would like tabulated on the Interclub page: Thank you, for sending such along to me:
For additional information regarding our Interclubs, please see:
SGA Match Play
Registration for 2022 has been finalized. Play started June 1 - and will be completed in October, 2022. If you have any corrections/results you want posted on this Website, just eMail me.
Make sure that you are paying attention to the Men's Locker Room SGA Bulletin Board (the only official source of information!). Last date that this Website was updated for the Match Play results was: September 3, 2022 I post players and results as information is passed my way. For 2022 unofficial brackets and results, click on:
If you have any corrections/results, just eMail me.
Chris B's 2022 Match Play Brackets:
For Unofficial Match Play Information see:
This website offers links to other sites outside the purview of this site. This site claims no responsibility for the content of any linked site and does not necessarily endorse the content of these links. These links are in place for your convenience only.
© North Ridge Country Club Senior Mens Golf Association (SGA)
6612 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27611-8041
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: ArchivedData@scscompa.com