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Senior Mens Golf Association - North Ridge Country Club
These are images used for a "picture gallery" of North Ridge Country Club golf holes.
Why are they on this Website? Well -- perhaps the Interclub players not from North Ridge have not played our site. Also, they are provided here for members of North Ridge to view -- in case they have other pictures / better pictures that can replace or add-to this "viewing"; if so, just let Dave Shogren know that such pictures exist.
The original images (taken using a normal digital camera -- a 10-Megapixel Canon or a 5-Megapixel Olympus) will be used for any printed-on-paper images.
If you have a picture of North Ridge and/or the golf course that you enjoy and that you could share with other club members -- and would like to be part of this project, just send an eMail to us mentioning that. A contact eMail address is provided at the bottom of this Web page.
The pictures that you are shown have an identifier at the bottom of the shown-image that is for the purpose of discussing. If you choose to have a shown-image printed, the original image (not the one shown on this Web page) will be used: The print-version image has a larger number of pixels (level of detail, for those of you so-inclined to wonder what "level of pixels" means). Click away, below! Your feedback is appreciated. Regards,
(Click on any Hole number or hole within the layout-image to see photos from that particular hole).
Note: I have NOT updated the following "scorecard" information that has been modified after golf course modifications were made 2016-thru-2020.
I will update... eventually. For now...
Oaks Scorecard/etc. Changes
June 14, 2020: I have not checked the Lakes Scorecard recently -- I will, someday (I play the Oaks, mostly). However, I see the Oaks has been re-sloped/etc. following the 2019 renovation. I wondered what would happen to Oaks #5 and Oaks #17 hcp-wise: Now, I know. For info -
(The following is just for info... Yds are from Forward (White) tees. Stay tuned for "all" tees/etc. to be shown (someday..).
Yds / Hcp (Now)
Yds / Hcp (Before 2019 Reno.)
377 / 1 374 / 5 | 2nd
364 / 7 361 / 11 | 3rd
166 / 9 164 / 15 | 4th
360 / 3 357 / 1 | 5th
496 / 11 495 / 17 | 6th
453 / 17 434 / 9 | 7th
339 / 5 341 / 3 | 8th
134 / 15 136 / 13 | 9th
318 / 13 315 / 7 |
343 / 2 342 / 12 | 11th
445 / 12 446 / 2 | 12th
352 / 10 355 / 4 | 13th
136 / 16 127 / 14 | 14th
343 / 4 350 / 6 | 15th
137 / 18 138 / 16 | 16th
320 / 8 331 / 10 | 17th
320 / 6 324 / 18 | 18th
485 / 14 468 / 6 |
Course Rating / Slope (Oaks White, Gold, Blue, Black, Red) White 69.1 / 125, Gold 72.7 / 134, Blue 71.1 / 125, Black 67.2 / 118, Red 65.0 / 112 White 68.6 / 123, Gold 72.1 / 132, Blue 70.3 / 129, Black 66.9 / 115, Red 64.4 / 97 |
![]() Lakes ![]() |
Other Photos
If you want to see a few additional photos that do not fit into the above-shown data, click on: Additional Photos
Other sets of pictures, taken of Fall-season folliage at North Ridge CC are at: |
To see a particular month of my 2022 Golf Course-Oriented Calendar, click on a month of the following.
------------------------------------------------------------------- To see current/previous NRCC Golf Course-Oriented Calendars, click on: Contact me if you want any of the Calendars In PDF format for Printing. NRCC Golf Hole Calendar 2021
To visit the North Ridge Country Club main Web site, go to:
This website offers links to other sites outside the purview of NRCC SGA. NRCC SGA claims no responsibility for the content of any linked site and does not necessarily endorse the content of these links. These links are in place for your convenience only.
© North Ridge Country Club Senior Mens Golf Association (SGA)
6612 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27611-8041
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: Webmaster@NRCCSeniorMensGolf.org