Senior Mens Golf Association - North Ridge Country Club
Raleigh NC USA

Interclub Favorite/"Best" Holes

The above title of this Web page is, certainly, very-much a subjective matter!

There has been no "science" and I don't hear from many of you as to your preferences. Why not feedback YOUR opinions? Thanks, in advance.

Comebacks are welcome from those who are members of the involved clubs or from anyone who is/has been part the Interclubs.

I noticed, after I was done with my hole-picks (shown, below) that I had more North Ridge holes than (probably) I should have. Reasons for this include: Knowledge of the holes (definitely, I know North Ridge better than the other Interclub courses) -- and, even, not knowing which photo of some Interclub holes that I took was a particular hole! For example, I was uncertain about a number of photos I took at Prestonwood Highlands the first time that we played there. The result of this means: I am very open to your suggestions about "best holes" for the Interclubs; and, if I have a picture of the holes that you suggest: Even better.

Browse and vote - using the following - and, in turn, pass onto me your comments/ideas regarding this matter; either use eMail or catch me at the club -- or, at an Interclub.

I am interested in your feedback/comments/ideas.

Again: Thank you, in advance, for any comments.


Dave Shogren

send mail to:

The Selected 18 Holes
As of July 1, 2010

Hope Valley #1
Par 4 - 380 Yards

Chapel Hill CC #10
Par 4 - 370 Yards
Raleigh Country Club #2
Par 4 - 354 Yards

North Ridge Oaks #11
Par 5 - 480+ Yards
Hope Valley #3
Par 4 - 380 Yards

North Ridge Lakes #12
Par 4 - 380 Yards
Prestonwood CC
Highlands Course #4
Par 5 - 460 Yards

North Ridge Lakes #13
Par 5 - 460+ Yards
North Ridge Lakes #5
Par 4 - 380 Yards

North Ridge Lakes #14
Par 4 - 390 Yards
MacGregor Downs CC #6
Par 4 - 350 Yards

Hope Valley #15
Par 5 - 460+ Yards
North Ridge Lakes #7
Par 4 - 400 Yards

Brier Creek #16
Par 3 - 160+ Yards
North Ridge Oaks #8
Par 3 - 150 Yards

Prestonwood CC
Highlands Course #17
Par 3 - 100+ Yards
North Ridge Oaks #9
Par 4 - 380 Yards

MacGregor Downs CC #18
Par 4 - 380 Yards

(Images, below, are clickable if you wish to see them in a larger-sized image).

(Holes will be added, here, as time allows. Come back later, if interested).
Hole Number:
Hope Valley CC
Durham NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 4. 380 Yds. Straight.

Approach area is protected by a stream/hazard in front of the raised Scottish-style/Donald Ross green.

There are differing opinions on if an opening hole should straight-forward or "a severe test". I tend toward the straight-forward, yet challenging, direction in rating the first hole of a course; that is why I selected this hole as compared to other "more difficult" first holes on our circuit.

Hope Valley #1 Par 4 - 380 Yards Hope Valley 1st Hole

Second Shot Hope Valley 1 Second Shot

View Back to the Clubhouse Hope Valley 1 Back to the clubhouse

Another Fine 1st Hole That We Play

(In addition to those shown to the right).
It seems that course designers often try to have a fine 1st hole!

Chapel Hill #1

This long par 4 is straight -- however, for some reason, many players end up left of the fairway on their drive and have little chance of reaching the green with their second. The green is elevated and well protected with mounds and traps. A difficult starting hole.

Chapel Hill CC 10th Hole

From a difficulty point of view, Prestonwood's Highlands course's opening hole (par 4) is very demanding, requiring a very good long/straight tee shot or second-shot layup. If this hole was not the opening (1st) hole, it would certainly be a candidate for this list.

Prestonwood Highlands #1 Prestonwood Highlands 1

Another strong candidate would be MacGregor Downs' first hole (par 4). Depending upon tee placement/played, the hole is often a layup hole. The drive is not as challenging as Prestonwood's Highlands course's opening hole from a direction point of view (the water does not come in play until the second shot) -- but, again, I leave it off my "favorite" opening hole due its difficulty to open the day's play.

MacGregor Downs #1 Macgregor 1

Of course.... with our Interclubs being shotgun starts -- it may seem that I should ignore the fact of being an "opening" hole... however, we have to begin discussions somewhere!

Both of the above holes would be on my list of "best" holes... just, not the first hole of a day's play.

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 1st Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 1st Hole: Hope Valley #1 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Prestonwood Highlands #1
Macgregor Downs #1 Votes: 1
Chapel Hill #1
Another 1st Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Raleigh CC
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Raleigh CC Par 4. 354 Yds.

Depending upon the tee, a driver may be too much -- however, the uphill second shot is challenging enough without a distance-concern. The green is protected not only by the false-front/uphill location, but trapped well. Thankfully, the green is long-enough that the uphill second shot can end up on the green with some roll; however, as with all Raleigh CC / Donald Ross greens: Often, a difficult two-putt.

Raleigh Country Club #2 Par 4 - 354 Yards Raleigh CC 2nd Hole

Of course... miss the green and the crowned-green is a challenge to chip close to the pin.

A wonderful-yet-challenging par 4.

Second Shot Raleigh CC 2 Second Shot

Green Area Raleigh CC 2 Green Area

Another Fine 2nd: Croasdaile #2
After the relatively straight-forward opening hole, Croasdaile immediately challenges the player with this fine Par-3.

Another good second hole is Hope Valley CC's 190 Yd Par 3 2nd hole. Although the stream does not come into play, the hole requires a well-struck shot and the green is a challenge. The hole sets up very well visually and is not a mystery -- other than being a challenge!

Hope Valley CC #2 Hope Valley 2

After the long/difficult opening hole at Chapel Hill CC, the par-3 150 Yd second is a welcome sight! A very fair par 3.

Chapel Hill CC #2 Chapel Hill 2

Again, as with the above-mentioned hole, the Prestonwood (Highlands Course) 2nd follows a tough first hole. The 2nd is a very fine par-4 on its own; requiring an in-the-fairway drive and a very well-struck second shot to a tight green.

Prestonwood CC #2
(Highlands Course)
Prestonwood 2

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 2nd Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 2nd Hole: Raleigh Country Club #2 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 6
Hope Valley CC #2
Chapel Hill CC #2
Prestonwood (Highlands) #2
Croasdaile CC #2
Another 2nd Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Hope Valley CC
Durham NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 4. 380 Yds.

This wonderful par 4 sets up differently, depending upon which tee is used for the day's competition. From the forward tee (which most of the seniors play) a straight drive is rewarded with a classic second shot to an accessible green. From the back tee, the player is expected to move the ball left-to-right. I bet, when Ben Hogan played this hole: He loved it.

Hope Valley #3 Par 4 - 380(?) Yards Hope Valley 3rd Hole - Forward Tee

Second Shot
Hope Valley 3 Second Shot

From the Back Tee
Hope Valley 3rd Hole - Back Tee

Two par 3s are worthy candidates for selection for 3rd-hole honors.

Raleigh CC's third plays a lot longer from the back tee, but from either tee the shot must carry uphill and stay clear of the left side bunkers or the right side slope.

Raleigh CC #3 Raleigh CC 3

North Ridge Lakes' third plays downhill to a green that is protected left and back by lakes and right by traps. A run-up shot may be fine -- but a sneaky/hidden portion of the lake to the left of the green can easily come into play.

North Ridge Lakes #3 North Ridge Lakes 3

Another Fine 3rd Hole That We Play
(In addition to those shown to the right, above).
I recently played Briar Creek and had forgotten what a great hole this is.
Brier Creek #3

Another beautiful, traditional, Arnold Palmer - designed par 4. A slightly elevated and nice-sized green allows for a chip-and-one putt for some of us.

Brier Creek CC 3rd Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 3rd Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
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Your Chosen 3rd Hole: Hope Valley #3 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Raleigh CC #3
North Ridge Lakes #3
Briar Creek #3
Another 3rd Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Prestonwood CC, Highlands Course
Cary NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 5. 460 Yds.

Although the water does not (normally...) come into play, this par 4 is visually beautiful and well-trapped at both the tee shot landing area and at the green.

The first of two-in-a-row special holes on the Highlands.

Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #4 Par 5 - 460 Yards Prestonwood 4th Hole - Regular Tee

Second Shot
Prestonwood Highlands 4th Hole - Second Shot

Green Area
Prestonwood 4th Hole - Green Area

North Ridge Lakes 4th hole par 5 is a straight-away par 5 with the drive having to contend with out of bounds right and trees left. The second and third shots that head left may find a creek that runs alongside the front half of the hole. The green is laid out perfectly for a well-played approach shot and is protected back and front for players who come in with long shots. A very well-designed-by-Gene Hamm golf hole.

North Ridge Lakes #4 NRCC Lakes CC 4

MacGregor Downs CC's 4th hole is a par 3. 150 Yds. Sounds simple.... It is not! The hole plays its full length. The hazard-protected green is not an easy two-putt. A beautiful "little" hole.

MacGregor Downs CC #4 MacGregor Downs 4

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 4th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
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Your Chosen 4th Hole: Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #4 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
North Ridge Lakes #4
MacGregor Downs CC #4
Another 4th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Lakes Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 4. 380 Yds.

From the Senior tee, some players will drive over the creek that crosses the fairway; about a 200 yd-carry. Otherwise, either from the Regular or Senior tee, the player will drive short of the water (190yds to 220yds, depending upon the tee used) and have about 180-200 yards uphill to a large green sloped front to back.

If you are a right-to-left player, you will not enjoy the drive on this hole.

North Ridge Lakes #5 Par 4 - 380 Yards North Ridge Lakes 5th Hole - Back Tee

Second Shot
North Ridge Lakes 5th Hole - Second Shot

Green Area
North Ridge Lakes 5th Hole - Green Area

Either of the following would be worthy of being picked as the top 5th holes of our tour.

MacGregor CC #5

A nice drive - not right! ... and, not too-far left .... - will result in a second shot played slightly downhill to a mounded green.
MacGregor CC 5th Hole

Hope Valley CC #5

Another Donald Ross slightly left-to-right driving hole. Wonderful.
Hope Valley CC 5th Hole

Prestonwood CC #5
Highlands Course

A terrific par 4. Straight, with a challenging second shot.
Prestonwood (Highlands Course) CC 5th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 5th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 5th Hole: North Ridge Lakes #5 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
MacGregor CC #5
Hope Valley CC #5
Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #5
Another 5th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
MacGregor Downs CC
Cary NC
Other Candidates and Why

A classic slightly-left-to-right driving hole, with the fairway protected on both sides by very fair bunkers.

The second shot is to a wonderful, true green.

A terrific, fair, old-fashioned golf hole. No mystery!

MacGregor Downs CC #6 Par 4 - 350 Yards Macgregor 6th Hole

Second Shot
Macgregor 6 Second Shot

Green Area
Macgregor 6 Green Area

Two fine par 3s are justifiable candidates for 6th-hole honors.

North Ridge Lakes #6

Plays only about 130 yards from the Senior tee. Can be extended to 200+ yards. Well protected by water and traps.
North Ridge Lakes 6th Hole

Hope Valley CC #6

Uphill, 190 yards (or more, from the back tee).
Hope Valley CC 6th Hole

Croasdaile CC #6

Hard. Difficult - For any player.

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 6th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 6th Hole: Macgregor Downs CC #6 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
North Ridge Lakes #6
Hope Valley CC #6
Croasdaile CC #6
Another 6th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Lakes Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 4, 400+ yards. A recommendation to Seniors: Play it as a par 5.... Five is a good score.

The drive is uphill and if the drive does not carry a full 200 yards or more, a layup short of the second hill that has a pond-hazard on the right is appropriate.

Once you reach the green -- don't be past the pin. Any putt on the green past the pin is a difficult, downhill, two-putt.

Not, pictorially, a beautiful hole... but, a golf course normally has a long par-4 that is a challenge for all handicaps -- and, this is that hole on the Lakes.

North Ridge CC, Lakes, #7 Par 4 - 400 Yards North Ridge Lakes 7th Hole

Second Shot North Ridge Lakes 7th Second Shot Area

Green Area North Ridge Lakes 7th Green Area

Hope Valley CC #7

Another fine Donald Ross - designed, relatively-short (325 yards), par 4. Fade your drive slightly left-to-right and you are able to attack the well-positioned, small - yet protected, green.

A good contrast (from a 7th-hole point of view) from the longer par 4 of North Ridge Lakes #7. Which is a better golf hole? Discussible!
Hope Valley CC 7th Hole

Bentwinds #7

360 yds dogleg right with bunkers protecting the angle of the dogleg..Second shot is usually 140 to a severely contoured green complex.
Bentwinds 7th Hole

North Ridge Oaks #7

Not overly long; a well struck 3 wood leaves a 150-160 yd second shot that demands accuracy (Dont go right!) A four here gives one a sense of accomplishment!
NRCC Oaks 7th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 7th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 7th Hole: North Ridge Lakes #7 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 6
Hope Valley CC #7
Bentwinds #7 (Currently: 1 Vote)
North Ridge Lakes #7 (Currently: 1 Vote)
Another 7th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Oaks Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 3, 130-150 yards from the Senior tee. Requires a full shot to get over the hazard, and the green is well-protected on three sides by bunkers. The "bailout" area to the short-right of the green, although still water-protected, is welcome for many players.

North Ridge Oaks #8 Par 3 - 150 Yards North Ridge Oaks 8th Hole

Brier Creek Golf Course #8

A straight-forward, yet challenging, 150-yard par 3. A very accessible green, but large enough to require a good putt to have a chance for a birdie.

Water is not a requirement for being a good par 3. This hole is an example of such.
Brier Creek GC 8th Hole

Hope Valley CC #8

Par 5, 480+ yards. A wonderful driving hole. Some players will try to reach the green in two; some will succeed! The approach area, with its large false-front, makes the hole appear shorter than it actually plays; although, depending upon the tee placement, even we seniors have a chance to reach it with a long drive.
Hope Valley CC 8th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 8th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
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Your Chosen 8th Hole: North Ridge Oaks #8 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Brier Creek Golf Course #8
Hope Valley CC #8
Another 8th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Oaks Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 4, 380 yards. Second shot requires full carry over the lake. Depending upon location of the drive -- or a layup second shot -- the over-water distance is 120-to-160 yards.

The green is (again, a Gene Hamm perfectly positioned green) laid out well to accept any shot that reaches the green surface. Short shots, however, may well roll into the lake (the rough is not kept sufficiently long enough to stop the ball). Long? -- You may catch the back bunkers or the lake, back-right. Left-side "bailout"? Bunker.. or chip over the bunker. The green is, also, one of the finest surfaces we play upon.

North Ridge Oaks #9 Par 4 - 380 Yards North Ridge Oaks 9th Hole

Second Shot North Ridge Oaks 9th Second Shot Area

Green Area North Ridge Oaks 9th Green Area

Brier Creek CC #9

Move the drive slightly right-to-left and you have a nice distance to an elevated green. However, you may have a downhill lie.

Drive (straight) through the fairway - or pull the drive too far left -- or miss the green? Bogie....
Brier Creek CC 9th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 9th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
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Your Chosen 9th Hole: North Ridge Oaks #9 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Brier Creek CC #9
Another 9th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Chapel Hill Country Club
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

A slightly right-to-left drive leads to a second shot of 150-to-160 yards, struck to a well-positioned/protected green. This second shot must be quite precise, as traps and water easily come into play. Many players welcome the "bail out" area to the left side of the green.

In our net-play events, a handicap stroke here is very welcome!

Chapel Hill #10 Par 4 - 370 Yards Chapel Hill 10th Tee View

Second Shot Chapel Hill 10th Second Shot Area

Green Area Chapel Hill 10th Green Area

Another Fine 10th Hole That We Play

(In addition to those shown to the right).
It seems that course designers often try to have a fine 10th hole!

Brier Creek #10

This beautiful golf hole is a traditional, Arnold Palmer - designed par 4. Most Senior players will not reach the fairway bunkers and it will take a good center-cut drive to have a chance to find the green. The second shot for most players will be 180 yards or more.

Brier Creek CC 10th Hole

Raleigh CC #10

A four on this par-4 is a welcome score. A nearly-hidden lake catches any drive pushed right. A drive in the fairway is not an easy shot (for us seniors), as it normally requires a long second shot to the slightly uphill, well-protected Donald Ross green.
Raleigh CC 10th Hole

Hope Valley CC #10

This par-4 is a wonderful driving hole. Everything is in front of the player. No mystery. Just, stay in the fairway and enjoy a chance for a three.
Hope Valley CC 10th Hole

North Ridge Lakes #10

This par-5 is a potential birdie - or, eagle - with a long center-cut drive. A challenging driving hole for a right-to-left player. A large green that is acceptable to a long second shot or the player's third.
North Ridge Lakes 10th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 10th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 10th Hole: Chapel Hill #10 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Raleigh CC #10
Hope Valley CC #10
North Ridge Lakes #10
Brier Creek #10
Another 10th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Oaks Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

An excellent Gene Hamm - designed par 5. Depending upon the tee used, the hole can be lengthened to over 550-yards. For the seniors, the second shot may well be a layup short of the fairway-crossing creek. If the player lays-up with the second shot, it leaves 160-to-200 yards to the green; otherwise, the third shot can vary anywhere from 150-to-75 yards. The multi-level green (as with most Gene Hamm greens) is laid out perfectly to accept a long or a short approach shot. Assuming that you miss the protecting bunkers!

A traditional, "what you see is what you are challenged with" golf hole.

North Ridge Oaks #11 Par 5 - 480 Yards North Ridge Oaks 11th Hole

Second/Third Shot North Ridge Oaks 11th Second/Third Shot Area

Green Area North Ridge Oaks 11th Green Area

Chapel Hill CC #11

This par-5 allows the player to hit-it-long off the tee; just, not right or left! The second shot may be hindered by the water and the third is to an elevated/large green. A rewarding hole -- with three fine shots and a great putt! A very nice par 5.
Chapel Hill 11th Hole

Brier Creek Golf Course #11

This par-4 is also a great driving hole, with another opportunity for a birdie -- if the player reaches the well-protected green.
Brier Creek GC 11th Hole

Macgregor CC #11

A challenging driving hole, this par 4 is the first of a "Corner" trio of challenging holes at Macgregor. The drive must be long enough to clear the trees right -- and, any long-left drive is down a hill from which it is nearly impossible to reach the green in regulation. The green is well protected by traps and large enough that any two putt is welcomed.

(Sorry, no photo. Perhaps, next season! Or, if a member has one, please contact me
at this Website

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 11th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 11th Hole: North Ridge Oaks #11 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Chapel Hill CC #11
Brier Creek Golf Course #11
Macgregor CC #11
Another 11th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Lakes Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Players who tend to drive right-to-left will not enjoy this wonderful par 4. From the senior tee, the drive is less intimidating -- but, from any tee the left-side fairway bunkers and the tree-lined right side (protecting out of bounds, right) combine to make this a challenging driving hole.

Once in the fairway a precise second shot to another perfectly-laid out Gene Hamm green, protected front left/right and back by traps, can result in a birdie try.

The members will tell you: "No break" on this green... and, they are generally correct!

North Ridge Lakes #12 Par 4 - 380 Yards North Ridge Lakes 12th Hole

Second Shot North Ridge Lakes 12th Second Shot Area

Green Area North Ridge Lakes 12th Green Area

Macgregor CC #12

This long par 3, coming immediately after the very difficult 11th and before the also challenging 13th, stands on its own! Par is fine on this hole; "take it" and run to the next tee.
Macgregor CC 12th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 12th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
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Your Chosen 12th Hole: North Ridge Lakes #12 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Macgregor CC #12
Another 12th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
North Ridge CC, Lakes Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Both the drive and the second shot are keys to this par 5; the water hazard comes into play for both shots. Most players lay-up right of the water with the second shot, leaving 150-to-100 yards to the green. The green is well-protected by traps and, being multi-leveled, can be a difficult two-putt.

North Ridge Lakes #13 Par 5 - 460 Yards
North Ridge Lakes 13th Hole

Second Shot
North Ridge Lakes 13th Second Shot Area

Green Area
North Ridge Lakes 13th Green Area

Another Fine 13th: Croasdaile #13
The drive must be straight - as must the second and third shots. Fairway traps protect the hole very well - and give the player a nice "routing". The green is wonderful. Overall: Enjoyment level near 10! Even though Croasdaile #13 is a dogleg - it is a very fine par 5.

And yet - Another Fine 13th: North Ridge CC Oaks #13
From any tee - the tee shot is a challenge, but fair. The large green is receptive and, yet, there is sufficient slope to make any one-putt a terrific ending to a visually-beautiful par-3.

Brier Creek Golf Course #13

Again - this par-4 is also a great/fun driving hole; in fact, the green is reached by some players. The green is laid out receptive to an incoming drive - but, wayward drives can end up with a difficult pitch shot. A fun golf hole.
Brier Creek GC 13th Hole

Macgregor CC #13

Par 4 with an uphill second shot, after a drive that must be long enough to clear the trees left. Some long hitters may, also, find the drive landing in a challenging position for their second shot to this uphill green. The green is multi-level and for any chance at a par the incoming shot must find the correct level. The third-in-a-row of Macgregor's challenging "Corner" trio of holes.
Macgregor CC 13th Hole

Raleigh CC #13

It seems as if the golf designers of our Interclub circuit all made wonderful 13th holes. Donald Ross and his team in the late 40s created a near-perfect par-4 in this beauty. Don't go left off the tee. From every tee the hole sets up beautifully for a slight fade tee shot - but, bushes on the right protect "far right". The second shot must be precise, as long has "no chance" and short is a typical Donald Ross green-challenge. Two putts are fine on this hole. I am surprised at the relatively high handicap value; however, this actually adds to the greatness of the hole: If a higher-handicap player stays in the fairway and takes a bogie - he or she will win this golf hole often against a lower-handicap opponent.

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 13th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 13th Hole: North Ridge Lakes #13 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Brier Creek Golf Course #13
Macgregor CC #13
Croasdaile CC #13
Another 13th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:

North Ridge CC, Lakes Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

Renovated in 2006, this par 4 requires a well-placed drive followed by an attacking second shot, to have any chance at a par or better. Now, one of the finest par-4s at North Ridge and on our senior Interclub circuit.

The drive, over water, needs to steer clear of the traps on each side of the fairway -- and, the out of bounds right.

The green is large, well-protected (including a false front, disguising green-distance for those who hit a lay-up shot) and one of those greens where you "never give" your opponent a short putt!

North Ridge Lakes #14 Par 4 - 390 Yards North Ridge Lakes 14th Hole

Second Shot North Ridge Lakes 14th Second Shot Area

Green Area North Ridge Lakes 14th Green Area

Brier Creek Golf Course #14

A traditional-style par 3. No water, no complications -- other than it having a quite large green protected left by traps.

A perfect companion-hole to the previous short/driveable par 4 13th that immediately precedes this hole.
Brier Creek GC 14th Hole

Hope Valley CC #14

A "position shot" par 3. The green is well-protected. A beautiful golf hole.
Hope Valley CC 14th Hole

Chapel Hill CC #14

From the tee, the player cannot see the water just short of the green. The drive challenge is to clear the tree on the right side of the fairway -- and, not pull the drive into the rough-left. Once accomplished: A very precise second shot must clear the water and then stop on the green to not enter the back-left trap. The trap may require a slightly downhill stance with the player seeing the water beckoning if the trap-shot is hit thin. A not-fun par 4... but, challenging and satisfying with a par or net birdie.
Chapel Hill CC 14th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 14th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 14th Hole: North Ridge Lakes #14 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 6
Brier Creek Golf Course #14
Hope Valley CC #14
Chapel Hill CC #14
Another 14th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Hope Valley #15
Durham NC
Other Candidates and Why

This par 5 can be a birdie hole at 460 yards; however, the hole is well bunkered and the slightly-uphill approach shot to a small (for a par-5) green is all the challenge most players need.

Hope Valley #15 Par 5 - 460+ Yards Hope Valley 15th Hole

Second Shot Hope Valley 15th Second Shot

Green Area Hope Valley 15th Green Area

Brier Creek GC #15

This par-5 is bounded on the left by wetlands/hazard and the fairway is well-trapped all the way tee-to-green. Players who go long with their approach shot may find a "hidden" pond beyond the green.
Brier Creek GC 15th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 15th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
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Your Chosen 15th Hole: Hope Valley #15 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Brier Creek Golf Course #15
Another 15th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Brier Creek Golf Course
Raleigh NC
Other Candidates and Why

This Arnold Palmer - designed par 3, at 160-to-200 yards, is well protected short (lake) and long (traps). A small "bailout" area is provided front right... but, still must carry the water.

A beautiful hole; enjoy the view!

Brier Creek #16 Par 3 - 160+ Yards Brier Creek 16th Hole

Macgregor CC #16

Par 3. The creek is, generally, not in play -- except if you pull your shot left. The green is well protected by traps and large enough that a two-putt is normally a challenge. The downhill tee shot makes this hole visually very attractive. A fine par 3.
Macgregor CC 16th Hole

Prestonwood CC #16
Highlands Course

Par 5, 498 Yds. The second shot is challenging on its own (after a nice drive) to lay up at the correct spot, short of the water-right, to give the player a "comfortable" third shot to the green. I say: "comfortable" as the third shot to a protected by trap-and-water green is not easy at any distance for most of us. The green is also a challenging 2-putt. A par here is wonderful.
Prestonwoods Highlands 16th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 16th Hole of our Interclubs"

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Your Chosen 16th Hole: Brier Creek #16 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Macgregor CC #16
Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #16
Another 16th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Prestonwood CC, Highlands Course
Cary NC
Other Candidates and Why

Par 3, 100+ yards. The island green is laid out perfectly for a short iron shot. A terrific, short, par 3.

Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #17 Par 3 - 100+ Yards Prestonwood 17th Hole

North Ridge Lakes #17

This medium-long par 4, the second-low handicap on the Lakes back nine, is a net-birdie candidate. Another traditional-style golf hole with everything in front of the player. Out of bounds, right, on the drive catches some players who do not notice the left-to-right slope off the tee. Fairway mounds along the right side of the fairway have helped this -- but, still: Keep the drive left-middle.
North Ridge Lakes 17th Hole

Bentwinds #17

Although a "shortish" hole, the drive requires close attention and the second, uphill, must be precise to have a chance for a birdie prior to moving on to the difficult 18th.
Bentwinds 17th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 17th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 17th Hole: Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #17 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
North Ridge Lakes #17
Bentwinds #17
Another 17th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Hole Number:
Macgregor Downs CC
Cary NC
Other Candidates and Why

A challenging driving hole (par 4) -- and, the second shot is also a challenge! Par this hole, and you will no doubt pick up a stroke or two from most of the field.

A full carry on the drive, from either the back or senior tee. Once over the water, trying to reach the proper level of this multi-level green is made easier.... if your drive was as long-right as possible.

Perhaps the most difficult par-4 of our circuit.

Macgregor Downs CC #18 Par 4 - 400 Yards Brier Creek 10th Hole

Second Shot Macgregor 18th Second Shot Area

Green Area - View Back to the Tee Macgregor 18th Green Area

Another Fine 18th Hole That We Play
(In addition to those shown to the right).

I had a vote come in for the following. I had not included it as "one of the best" -- as it actually plays for many of us as a par-5 (even from the forward tee). The comment from the voter was: 18th hole Raleigh Country Club is, in my opinion, the most challenging finishing hole in the county. Once you have reached this green a two putt is very challenging, don't be putting from the back (or) right side of the green.

As I (mostly...)agree with the comment -- I add it here and look forward to hearing from you and/or receiving your vote for best 18th hole.

Raleigh CC #18

This long, straight par 4 offers not only a challenge to reach the uphill green in regulation; but, is a very difficult two-putt. Forget about one-putting..... A terrific golf challenge.

Raleigh CC 10th Hole

Prestonwood Highlands #18

Requires a drive that is "NOT RIGHT" and that does not catch the left-side fairway bunkers. Once the drive is accomplished safely, the second shot must, also, be "NOT RIGHT"; and, as well, be struck perfectly to clear all of the greenside bunkers.
Prestonwood Highlands 18th Hole

Brier Creek #18

A good drive results in a medium-to-short iron to a green protected in front/back and right by a lake. A "bailout" area to the left-side is welcomed for some players.
Brier Creek 18th Hole

Bentwinds #18

From the Senior Tee, a 170-yard drive results in a full-carry 160-to-180 yard second shot over the lake to a well-shaped green. A "bailout" area to the right-side, although also over the water, is sometimes a well-chosen path.
Bentwinds 18th Hole

Vote for which hole you prefer as "Best 18th Hole of our Interclubs"

Your Name:
Your eMail:
Your Chosen 18th Hole:
Macgregor Downs CC #18 (Currently the "Top Pick") Votes: 5
Prestonwood (Highlands Course) #18
Brier Creek #18 Votes: 1
Bentwinds #18
Raleigh CC #18 Votes: 1

Another 18th Hole? Just enter the information here:

Other Comments:


Want to vote/comment on the above? send mail to:

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6612 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27611-8041
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