News and Mailings
- 2022 Information From Chris Brumbaugh, PGA (Our Club-Pro)
Our supportive Pro: Chris Brumbaugh, PGA continues to be our main communicator. Thank you Chris! In case you missed the notes -- or, you are curious how our 2022 plans moved forward, browse the following PDFs.
(Note: To view info via the links pointed to within the PDF, you will need to Sign-In to the North Ridge main site).
Sign-up for both the Individual and the Two-Player Team competitions has been finalized and play is under-way.
2022's Unofficial Match Play Information will be here as play begins.
This Websites Ladder Tournament Information
Last Update: August 2, 2022
- 2021 Information From Chris Brumbaugh, PGA (Our Club-Pro)
Our supportive Pro: Chris Brumbaugh, PGA continues to be our main communicator. Thank you Chris! In case you missed the notes -- or, you are curious how our 2021 plans moved forward, browse the following PDFs.
Chris B's Note November 1, 2021 PDF
More of Chris B's 2021 info in PDF format:
- 2020 Information From Chris Brumbaugh, PGA (Our Club-Pro)
Our supportive Pro: Chris Brumbaugh, PGA continues to be our main communicator. Thank you Chris! In case you missed the notes -- or, you are curious how our 2020 plans moved forward, browse the following PDFs.
- 2019 Information From Chris Brumbaugh, PGA (Our Club-Pro)
Our supportive Pro: Chris Brumbaugh, PGA continues to be our main communicator. Thank you Chris! In case you missed the notes -- or, you are curious how our 2019 plans moved forward, browse the following PDFs.
- 2018 Information From Chris Brumbaugh, PGA (Our Club-Pro)
Our supportive Pro: Chris Brumbaugh, PGA continues to be our main communicator. Thank you Chris! In case you missed the notes -- or, you are curious how our 2018 plans moved forward, browse the following PDFs.
Chris B's October 27, 2018 Major Results November Plan's Note PDF
(Less embedded links)
Chris B's Match Play brackets in PDF format are at:
Match Play Brackets' Season-End Results as Reported On This Website October 28, 2018
Chris B's October 4, 2018 October/November Plan's Note PDF
(Less embedded links)
Chris B's September 2, 2018 September / October Plan's Note PDF
(Less embedded links)
Chris B's August 4, 2018 August / September Plan's Note PDF
(Less embedded links)
Chris B's Info for SGA Cup Points August 8, 2018 PDF
Chris B's July 3, 2018 July/August Plan's Note PDF
(Less embedded links)
Chris B's June 1, 2018 June/July Plan's Note PDF
(Less embedded links)
Chris B's May 4, 2018 May/June Plan's Note PDF
Chris B's March 10, 2018 Welcome Note PDF
- November 27, 2012 Information From Al Spicer
Over the past few years participation in our Tuesday games have been reduced dramatically to the point of non-existent. We believe there are several reasons for this including not always playing with your friends, the games not being flighted and possibly early tee times.
Upon discussion with the Pro Shop they have developed the attached proposal on which we are soliciting comments especially from groups that are playing their own games on Tuesday and golfers who would like to play on Tuesdays. The SGA officers have reviewed the proposal and we are very much in favor of it. We plan on implementing it in mid-March 2013 but are very much open to suggestions.
Your comments please!
To see the Board's note in PDF format, click on:
SGA Board's Note of Nov. 27 Regarding 2013 SGA Tuesdays.
If you have any comments, comment back to anyone on the Board or send an eMail to:
send mail to: and your note will be forwarded to the Board.
Thank you -
Al Spicer
- Senior Tuesdays
Congratulations to the final 2011 leaders:
1st - Dave Mazo
, 42 pts
2nd - Bill O'Connor
, 40 pts
3rd - Jim Harris
, 27 pts
3rd - Don Lynch
, 27 pts
3rd - Tom Waters
, 27 pts
Final 2010 leaders:
1st - Ed Utley
, 57 pts
1st - Don Lynch
, 57 pts
3rd - Jim Harris, 55 pts
4th - Norm Chambers
, 42 pts
4th - Dean Demasi
, 30 pts
Final 2009 leaders:
1st - Phil Shehdan, 60 pts
2nd - Dave Mazo, 45 pts
3rd - Jim Harris, 35 pts
4th - Karol Rochelson, 32 pts
5th - Bob McCarthy, 30 pts
Final 2008 leaders were:
1st - Norm Chambers, 67 pts
2nd - Dave Mazo, 64 pts
3rd - Tony Milanese, 59 pts
4th - Chuck Doutre, 57 pts
5th - Bill O'Connor, 50 pts
5th - Jim Harris, 50 pts
5th - Buddy Murray, 50 pts
5th - Jim Hickman, 50 pts
- June 9, 2010 Information From Marty Gross
We only have 9 teams signed up for the blue/white tees and 3 teams signed up for the white/black tee single elimination match play. I would like to cut the sign up off effective June 15 and have all matches completed by the end of August. If we don't have more white/black tee players we'll probably combine them with the blue/white tee players. I'll post the initial pairings on June 16 in the men's locker room.
- Feb 23, 2010 Information From Tom Starr
Tom Starr has posted on the bulletin board - and, passed onto us - this year's SGA-related schedule. Take a look at (and print-off, if desired) the following, if you have not already copied the bulletin board sheets.
Note: I just spotted that the file-information changed recently. Sorry, I was not alerted about that. The change is: There is NOT an SGA-Tuesday event on either March 16 or 23.
Tom Starr's Info Regarding SGA Schedule for 2010 (in PDF format)
- Other-Year's News
In case you are interested in what was mentioned on the News Web page, click on:
Some SGA News that was summarized on this site in 2009
Some SGA News that was summarized on this site in 2008
- What Tee Should I play? - Tuesday Tournaments
In 2008 a discussion came up regarding the SGA and Tuesday tee-play recommendation/stroke adjustment and if there should be an age limit in such.
The tournament committee has removed any age restriction and recommends that you follow USGA guidelines for our Tuesday events. Play the tee that you are comfortable with. Simply adjust your handicap as per course ratings. Generally, this means, for Tuesday events:
100% handicap
Blue tees - blue tee handicap plus 2
White tees - white tee handicap
Red tees - red tee handicap minus 4
To contact us about this change, feel free to contact anyone on the "Contact Us" page of this Website either directly or by eMail -- or, send a message to: and we will get back to you. Also, you may use this site's Discussion area (via the Website navigation at the top of each of our Web pages) for comments if you prefer that approach.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation in our Tuesday events!
The Pro Shop adds this comment to events that the club sponsors: They recommend that a player in club tournaments play from the tee where their handicap has (mostly) been established. The "mostly", I would assume, implies at least over half of your rounds played are from a tee on which you play during a tournament. I do not know if the SGA tournament committee feels the same; this will sort itself out over time and any resulting future discussions if the issue arises.
- Miscellaneous
What is a Reverse Shotgun?
Since many continue to ask, "what's a reverse shotgun?", here's the answer:
In a reverse shotgun, player groups are assigned to starting holes as follows: 1, 18, 17,16,15, and so on, through to the last group playing. Then, after the last group plays through hole 1, the course can be opened for regular play starting at the first tee. If only half the course is filled, the time during which the course would be closed to regular play can be as little as about 2 hours.
Had the players been assigned to holes in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., as in a regular shotgun, the course would need to be kept closed until everyone was finished, irrespective of how many were playing, which gives a minimum closed period of about 4 hours.
- Previous-Year's News
In case you are interested in what was mentioned on the News Web page, click on:
Some SGA News that was summarized on this site in 2009
Some SGA News that was summarized on this site in 2008