Senior Mens Golf Association - North Ridge Country Club
Raleigh NC USA

News and Mailings - 2009

This Web page is kept here simply for "keeping"-sake! Who knows... someone may want to browse through what was here in 2009.

  • Senior Tuesdays

    Congratulations to the final 2009 leaders:
    1st - Phil Shehdan, 60 pts
    2nd - Dave Mazo, 45 pts
    3rd - Jim Harris, 35 pts
    4th - Karol Rochelson, 32 pts
    5th - Bob McCarthy, 30 pts

    For info-sake, the final 2008 leaders were:
    1st - Norm Chambers, 67 pts
    2nd - Dave Mazo, 64 pts
    3rd - Tony Milanese, 59 pts
    4th - Chuck Doutre, 57 pts
    5th - Bill O'Connor, 50 pts
    5th - Jim Harris, 50 pts
    5th - Buddy Murray, 50 pts
    5th - Jim Hickman, 50 pts

  • May 21, 2009 Note Regarding Two Upcoming Events

      I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone about two upcoming events. We have the SGA Invitational on JUNE 2 at 9 am. So far we only have 10 twosomes. Please sign up in the pro shop. This is a fun format for you and your partner. There is a $100 fee for the team with breakfast and full lunch with beer and prizes. Hope to see you there!

      Also on June 4 we have the Centurion 9am shotgun with breakfast and lunch and wine/beer and prizes. So far we have 17 ladies and 11 men. We need some more guys to sign up for this tournament. Cost is $35....such a deal!!! Includes carts, food, prizes, gratuities, tax. Format is a Texas Shamble. Sign up in the pro shop for this event.

      Kind regards, Marty Gross

      Marty's complete May 21 2009 Note in PDF Format

  • May 13, 2009 Note Regarding 2009 Match Play Tournament

      I also posted the final flight assignments for the 2009 SGA 2-Man Team Match Play Tournament.

      This year the tournament has a round robin best ball net format with 3 flights of 6 teams. Each team will play the other 5 teams in its flight.

      All matches should be completed by 19 October at the latest. I encourage participants to schedule and begin playing their matches as soon as possible. Contact me directly or via email if you have any questions.

      Best regards,
      Tom Starr

      Tom's complete May 13 2009 Note in PDF Format

  • April 1, 2009 Note from Tom Starr

      Our first interclub tournament at Raleigh Country Club takes place a week from tomorrow, so I thought it would be good to remind you all of some important new rules for this year's events.

    • Maintaining a reasonable pace of play (4 1/2 hrs max) was the most significant concern expressed at the club representatives' kickoff meeting for the 2009 season, and a new procedure was put in place for managing pace of play at this year's events. Host clubs will have a Ranger circulating to move slower groups along.

      This Ranger will warn any group that has an entire hole open in front of them to pick up their pace and close the gap with the team immediately in front. If a warned team does not close the gap in timely fashion, the Ranger will advise this team to pick up, skip the hole they are playing, record "net pars" for that hole, and move directly to the next tee.

    • The cost of all events will be $50.00 this year, up $5.00 from last year, but still a remarkable deal, considering that you get a continental breakfast, golf w/cart, and an excellent full-course lunch including beer and dessert.

    • If you have signed up to play in an interclub event and then need to cancel out, remember to do so by crossing your name off the sign-up sheet in the men's locker room a minimum of 72 hours (3 days) prior to the 9:00 am start for the event in question. Otherwise, you will be billed the $50 entry fee; no exceptions. Keep in mind that several Interclubs are scheduled to take place on Thursdays, so you will need to cancel 96 hours in advance (the preceding Sunday) to avoid being charged for these. In the event that you have to cancel with less than 72 hours notice, please notify the Pro shop as soon as possible to free up your reserved spot so someone else can play.

    • Finally, a brief word about the posting of sign-up sheets. In an effort to be as fair as possible to all SGA members, some of whom do not play regularly on Tuesdays, I will do my best to post the interclub sign-up sheets by 10:00 am on the day exactly 4 weeks prior to each event.

    I look forward to great 2009 SGA season with all of you.
    Tom Starr Tom's April 1 2009 Note in PDF Format

  • 2009 Finally Getting Started - Senior Tuesdays

    Although some of us have played once in awhile this winter, the Senior Tuesday group was "shut out" in 2009 up until Tuesday, February 10.

    As information comes forth about the Interclub schedule and other events, this Website will be updated. Thank you for your patience, in the meantime.

    I am starting to archive this "News" Web page (why? Who knows... someone might want to know previous "news"... Anyway, for the 2009 Archive, click on: 2009 News and Mailing Archive

  • What Tee Should I play? - Tuesday Tournaments

    In 2008 a discussion came up regarding the SGA and Tuesday tee-play recommendation/stroke adjustment and if there should be an age limit in such.

    The tournament committee has removed any age restriction and recommends that you follow USGA guidelines for our Tuesday events. Play the tee that you are comfortable with. Simply adjust your handicap as per course ratings. Generally, this means, for Tuesday events:

      100% handicap
      Blue tees - blue tee handicap plus 2
      White tees - white tee handicap
      Red tees - red tee handicap minus 4

    To contact us about this change, feel free to contact anyone on the "Contact Us" page of this Website either directly or by eMail -- or, send a message to: and we will get back to you. Also, you may use this site's Discussion area (via the Website navigation at the top of each of our Web pages) for comments if you prefer that approach.

    Thank you for your cooperation and participation in our Tuesday events!

    The Pro Shop adds this comment to events that the club sponsors: They recommend that a player in club tournaments play from the tee where their handicap has (mostly) been established. The "mostly", I would assume, implies at least over half of your rounds played are from a tee on which you play during a tournament. I do not know if the SGA tournament committee feels the same; this will sort itself out over time and any resulting future discussions if the issue arises.

  • Miscellaneous

    What is a Reverse Shotgun?

    Since many continue to ask, "what's a reverse shotgun?", here's the answer:

    In a reverse shotgun, player groups are assigned to starting holes as follows: 1, 18, 17,16,15, and so on, through to the last group playing. Then, after the last group plays through hole 1, the course can be opened for regular play starting at the first tee. If only half the course is filled, the time during which the course would be closed to regular play can be as little as about 2 hours.

    Had the players been assigned to holes in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., as in a regular shotgun, the course would need to be kept closed until everyone was finished, irrespective of how many were playing, which gives a minimum closed period of about 4 hours.

  • Other-Year's News

    In case you are interested in what was mentioned on the News Web page, click on:
    Some SGA News that was summarized on this site in 2008

    Some SGA News that is being summarized on this site in 2010

© North Ridge Country Club Senior Mens Golf Association (SGA)
6612 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27611-8041
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
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