Senior Mens Golf Association - North Ridge Country Club
Raleigh NC USA

Latest Golf Hole Pictures

Photos on This Page Last Updated November 26, 2017

This Web page contains golf hole pics of North Ridge CC that have been "recently" added to our Website. I put recently in quotes, as I am not sure how often the page will be updated. It depends upon weather/camera-availability when I am on the golf course and other factors.

It is intended that the next phase of North Ridge photos will be movies of each golf hole. However, I am in the midst of trying to come up with an approach to do that with my limited camera and captured-video editing experience.

Some of the pictures included in this page are also on the primary pictures-of-golf-holes at North Ridge Web page pointed to my this site's navigation page (see the above "About Us, Newsletters, Discussion, Golf Course Pictures' button).

If you have pictures of North Ridge CC that you feel would contribute to this site: Thank you, in advance, for contacting me.

Dave Shogren, eMail:

Most-Recent Photos

(Clicking on any of the smaller photos, below, should show the image in larger-size).


Early-Winter View

The Bermuda grass is dormant, the Oak's Bentgrass greens are in wonderful shape --
all we can hope for is a normal-Winter-weather couple of months, here, in the mid-South USA!

Oaks 18th Approach Area
November 26, 2017

Some Fall Tees and Their Trees on The Oaks

We had a wonderful Fall season - of golf and weather. A few Tee Views of Fall 2017.

Oaks 5th Tee
November 5, 2017

Oaks 6th Tee
November 26, 2017

Oaks 7th Tee
November 5, 2017

Oaks 16th Tee
November 16, 2017

Oaks 17th Tee
November 12, 2017

Oaks 18th Tee
November 5, 2017

Oaks 7th

I have not "featured" Oaks #7, often, with photos -- but, on this day during a morning golf/walk I caught a couple of photos "in the mist" and save them here.

Oaks 7th has always been a challenging-yet-satisfying tee shot. As the golf hole - and, its trees - has matured, the tee shot from any of the tees (back, middle and front) continues to be a wonderful risk-reward shot. The golf hole is understandably Hcp-3 on the Oaks. A well-designed-by Gene Hamm dogleg left that requires some real thought to play. I enjoy this golf hole!

Oaks 7th Tee
November 5, 2017
185 yard slight-draw, from this forward tee works well.

The tees to the back of this view play 20-to-40 yards longer. If the player can hit a SLIGHT draw, the tee shot from the back can be 250 yds or more, leading to a short second shot. Otherwise, just hit it 200-to-220 "straight" and you will have a fun 150-160 yds to the green for your second shot.

Oaks 7th Second Shot
November 5, 2017

Before the Fall

A nice start to a Sunday - the first weekend in October - Before the Fall season is in "full swing".

Turn around and take a look with the morning sun at your back, before heading to the Oaks' 1st tee.
October 1, 2017

Oaks 1st
Oaks 1st - Forward Tee
October 1, 2017

Oaks 1st - Approach Area, Thru the Morning Haze -
Looking to the Green With a Glance over to Oaks' 17th Green Area
October 1, 2017

Oaks 2nd - Second Shot
October 1, 2017

Three Tees On The Oaks - Before the Fall Colors Arrive
Oaks 5th Tee
October 1, 2017

Oaks 6th Forward Tee
October 1, 2017

Oaks 17th Tee -
The Tree at the Corner is Starting to "Color"
October 1, 2017

Oaks 18th Green Area
October 1, 2017

Three September Green Areas on the Oaks

Stay tuned for, in five weeks: The Fall-Tree-Color Time in Raleigh

Three September Green Areas
September, 2017

Oaks 7th Green Area
September 10, 2017

Oaks 14th Green Area
September 17, 2017

Oaks 17th Green Area
September 17, 2017

Getting Started with Morning Golf on the Oaks

We had a wonderful morning - again - On The Oaks. We are VERY fortunate.

Only early-scheduled players get these views

Clubhouse Area
August 27, 2017

Oaks 1st Tee Looking Over to Oaks 18th
Wondering where the pin is on the three-tiered 18th.
Can't see the green, through the trees - but: The Crepe Myrtle being in bloom is nice enough!
August 27, 2017

Oaks #1 in the Morning Mist
August 27, 2017

Bermuda Grass

The Lakes is currently closed for development/growing of the new Bermuda Grass greens. Looking good after starting the project June 12, 2017 (nine weeks prior to the date-taken of the following photo).


The Oaks' fairway views show its Bermuda Fairways currently in play - in all their glory!

Lakes 18 Green Bermuda Grass Coming - After Nine Weeks
August 6, 2017
August 6, 2017...

Oaks' 50 years'-old Bermuda Fairway View
Oaks 17th Looking Over to Oaks 6th
August 6, 2017

Thru-the-Year's Views of Oaks 15th

The tee area is larger - and, the tear-down/replaced with "new house" is larger.

Oaks 15th Tee
August 13, 2007
July 31, 2015
July 30, 2017

Summer Approach/Green Area - Oaks Course 14th

Yes, it is a "parkland" course. Ok - This is one of our best-designed second shot areas / green areas of our pleasurable two courses.

Oaks 14th in July
July 2, 2017

Second Shot Area

Green Area (Photo is cropped from the photo shown on your left)

Summer Tee - Oaks Course

A "slow" time of year is underway in the mid-South USA. Stay in the shade! "Hit 'em Straight".

Oaks 18th in June
June 25, 2017

A Perfect-Weather Weekend on the Oaks Course

Looking For a Ball at Oaks 11th Third Shot Area
June 3, 2017

Be careful with the rocks!

Morning Dew
June 4, 2017

Oaks 11th Third Shot Area
(Possible Calendar 2018 June Photo)
June 3, 2017

Oaks 13th Forward Tee
June 3, 2017

Oaks 14th Green Area Viewed from Fairway
June 3, 2017

Looking Back to Oaks 9th

I have shown this photo many times in the past -- but, I love this view. So, here it is again!

Welcome to Summer-Golf Time 2017.

Looking Back to Oaks 9th from Oaks 10th Forward Tee Area
May 27, 2017

A Couple of Changed Views Following "Clean out" 2017

Someday I try to find in my "stash" of photos over the years, similar-spot's photos and see how these views have changed as a result of the 2017 bush/tree maintenance program.

View from Walk-to-Oaks' Area
May 27, 2017

View from Walk-to-Oaks' Area...
May 27, 2017

View from Oaks' 1st Tee Area
May 27, 2017

Two Par-5 Third Shots

Well... I enjoyed playing both course in April/May. I am a lucky man!

Raleigh NC USA
Oaks 18th Third-Shot Area

100 yds to the Green
May 7, 2017

St. Andrews, Scotland
Castle Course 18th Third-Shot Area

100 yds to the Green
April 21, 2017

Green Grass is Here On Time!

Oaks 16th Tee
May 7, 2017

Dogwoods in the Mid-South

Weekend around April 6th in our part of the world: Dogwoods are Terrific. Every year.
Dogwoods seem to ignore Global Warming and are predictable / welcome matters around April 6.

April 9, 2017

Oaks 18th Third-Shot Area
April 9, 2017

Signs of Springtime - Heading to Summertime!
Bermuda Grass Waking Up - It Will Be Fully Green Around May 10. A great time of the year.
Oaks 5th Looking Back
April 9, 2017

Oaks 16th Approach Area
April 9, 2017

A Wonderful Third Shot-Area View/Golf-Shot

Ok -- The grass is in winter-time shape and currently trying to "Wake up" for peak "green-ness" end-April.

If you do not enjoy this golf shot and its challenge: I recommend you choose a different game.

A Three-tiered green, well protected - with a great view anytime of the day. A truly-fine Par-5.

Oaks 18th Third-Shot Area
March 5, 2017

Two end-of-February Views of Oaks' Green Areas

I love Winter golf in the mid-South USA.

During the Morning Play
February 26, 2017
Oaks 1st Green Area
February 26, 2017

Oaks 13th Green Area Looking Up to Oaks 14th Fairway
February 26, 2017

In the Carpark - After The Morning Golf/Walk / Shower / Morning Brunch / Now: Heading Home for a Nap!
Naps are always appreciated/enjoyed. Especially, afternoons...
February 26, 2017

Oaks 6th on a Sunday Morning in February

Don't worry... Green Grass Season is Coming.
In the meantime, enjoy "Winter" golf in the Mid-South.

Oaks 6th Green
A front pin, on this day. Thank you, Pin-Setter!
February 19, 2017

Year 2017 is Underway

We have a start to this year. I wish you a successful 2017; safe / healthy and golfwise:
Some Good Shots and Some Bad Shots with excellent golf/walk time.
We all deserve that.

A Wintery Sky - However: A Wonderful Day for a Golf/Walk!
January 15, 2017
Oaks 7th Second Shot Area
January 15, 2017

Oaks 7th Green Area
(Cropped Photo from the shown photo shown to the left of this screen)
January 15, 2017

Golf Course Renovation Photos 2017

2017 brings some golf course renovation activity, including "grassing"/re-seeding greens on the Lakes Course - and, upgrading the Practice Areas. This portion of this web page is, simply, a place for my saving this for "historical" reasons and may be of interest to those of you who may be travelling and not seeing some information passed onto members via posters and other-such techniques. If I spot something - or, take a photo "renovation"-related, I will use this part of the Website for saving such. Of course, the official paths of communication from the club are your best source of information; this, is just serving my purposes and provided here as general information. If you have any concerns as this information is eventually modified as 2017 moves along, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

Regards, Dave Shogren, eMail:

January 15, 2017

Practice Hitting Area was Closed - Heavy Equipment was plowing up the area. Putting green was open. I don't practice putting, much... it is a lost cause.

January 15, 2017

Trees and Bushes Cleared Out Behind Lakes' 18th Green.
I guess, to allow for improved air circulation for upcoming/new greens. I will try to remember to put a photo, here, of the "before" view. We see, if I remember to do so....

January 15, 2017

Club Poster Showing Plans for Upgrading Practice / Teaching Area

January 15, 2017

(Click on the following to see in a larger-sized image).

Photos from end-2016, below, are here as a "holding spot" before I add 2017 photos.
Scroll down, below, to find the pointer to ALL of the 2016 and previous-year's photos if you are interested in such.

To see photos from 2016's Web page go to:
2016 Entire Year

Some Fall-Color Approach Shots and Other Miscellany on the Oaks Course

Mid-End November 2016

Clubhouse Staging Area
November 27, 2016

Oaks 1st Tee in the Morning
November 27, 2016

What a beautiful Fall season we had in 2016. Sometimes, I even "made the green" with the following challenges.
Normally, though, I had an opportunity of One More Shot!
Oh, well... I still enjoyed every day's game/walk.

Oaks 2nd Second Shot 150 Yds
November 13, 2016

Oaks 6th Third Shot 150 yds
November 13, 2016

Oaks 14th Second Shot 150 yds
November 13, 2016

Oaks 18th Third Shot 75 yds
November 13, 2016

Oaks 2nd Second Green Area in the Morning
November 27, 2016

View From Oaks 13th Tees
November 13, 2016
Oaks 13th Back Tee Area
November 13, 2016

Oaks 13th Middle Tee
November 13, 2016

Oaks 13th Forward Tee
November 13, 2016

Oaks 13th Green Area
November 13, 2016

Current Year

To see other photos (NOT movies) from this Web page go to:

2021 Entire Year

2020 Entire Year

2019 Entire Year

2018 Entire Year

2016 Entire Year

2015 Entire Year

2014 Entire Year

2013 Entire Year

2012 Entire Year

2011 October-thru-December, 2011

2011 July-thru-September, 2011

2011 May-thru-June, 2011

2011 January-thru-April, 2011

Fall Photos - September-November 2010 - and: December 26, 2010

Summer Photos - June-August 2010

A Number of Spring Photos - April-May 2010

Oct. 21, 2009 - A Day On The Lakes - Plus Two Misc. Photos

Sept. 9 and Oct. 4, 2009

September 5, 2009

August 19, 2009

February 18, 2009

October 12, 2008

© North Ridge Country Club Senior Mens Golf Association (SGA)
6612 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27611-8041
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to:

To visit the North Ridge Country Club main Web site, go to:

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