2009 Archived News and Mailings
North Ridge SGA 2009 Events Calendar
March 4, 2009 Note from Tom Starr:
The SGA events calendar for 2009 has been finalized. The 18 interclub events, both home and away, are included. The cost of these has increased a bit this year, but only to $50, so they are still the best deal going, considering that you get a continental breakfast, practice balls, golf with cart and a great chance to win prizes (shop credits), and a fabulous multi-course lunch (including beer!!) afterwards, all in the company of other avid golfers (late afternoon naps highly recommended).
I will be posting sign-up sheets for the interclubs in the men's locker room four weeks in advance of each event. The first of these is scheduled for April 9 at Raleigh Country Club, so look for the sign-up sheet to show up around March 9 (I will also post the rules for participating in these events at the same time).
Tom's Note and North Ridge SGA 2009 Events Calendar, in PDF Format
- SGA Spring Banquet - March 18
Note from Marty Gross and Tom Starr:
Please mark Wednesday March 18 on your calendars! That's when the SGA Spring Banquet will take place at North Ridge. We are opening and advertising this great dinner to the general club membership to stimulate interest and participation in this year's many upcoming SGA events, so call the club (846-9667) to reserve your spot now! Don't miss out.
- Wed. March 18
- 6:30pm: Cocktails
- 7:00pm: Dinner
- $25 per person (Please bring your spouse!)
Member ticket bar available
March 18 Dinner: Flyer, in PDF Format
- 2009 Finally Getting Started - Senior Tuesdays
Although some of us have played once in awhile this winter, the Senior Tuesday group was "shut out" in 2009 up until Tuesday, February 10.
As information comes forth about the Interclub schedule and other events, this Website will be updated. Thank you for your patience, in the meantime.
- What Tee Should I play? - Tuesday Tournaments
In 2008 a discussion came up regarding the SGA and Tuesday tee-play recommendation/stroke adjustment and if there should be an age limit in such.
The tournament committee has removed any age restriction and recommends that you follow USGA guidelines for our Tuesday events. Play the tee that you are comfortable with. Simply adjust your handicap as per course ratings. Generally, this means, for Tuesday events:
100% handicap
Blue tees - blue tee handicap plus 2
White tees - white tee handicap
Red tees - red tee handicap minus 4
To contact us about this change, feel free to contact anyone on the "Contact Us" page of this Website either directly or by eMail -- or, send a message to:
Webmaster@NRCCSeniorMensGolf.org and we will get back to you. Also, you may use this site's Discussion area (via the Website navigation at the top of each of our Web pages) for comments if you prefer that approach.
Thank you for your cooperation and participation in our Tuesday events!
The Pro Shop adds this comment to events that the club sponsors: They recommend that a player in club tournaments play from the tee where their handicap has (mostly) been established. The "mostly", I would assume, implies at least over half of your rounds played are from a tee on which you play during a tournament. I do not know if the SGA tournament committee feels the same; this will sort itself out over time and any resulting future discussions if the issue arises.
- Miscellaneous
What is a Reverse Shotgun?
Since many continue to ask, "what's a reverse shotgun?", here's the answer:
In a reverse shotgun, player groups are assigned to starting holes as follows: 1, 18, 17,16,15, and so on, through to the last group playing. Then, after the last group plays through hole 1, the course can be opened for regular play starting at the first tee. If only half the course is filled, the time during which the course would be closed to regular play can be as little as about 2 hours.
Had the players been assigned to holes in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., as in a regular shotgun, the course would need to be kept closed until everyone was finished, irrespective of how many were playing, which gives a minimum closed period of about 4 hours.
- Past-Year's 2008 News
In case you are interested in what was mentioned on the News Web page in 2008, click on:
Some SGA News that was summarized on this site in 2008