Newsletter Comments from SCScompANewsletter Date: November 30, 2004 | ![]() |
Welcome to my newsletters.
Well: I lie. This newsletter is dated November, 2004 -- but, will not be "out" until sometime in December. Four months late.
In any case - I hope that your holiday season and end-2004 is going well.
The image shown above, right, is a result of what I emphasize with this month's newsletter: Some new (to me) equipment I brought into my home computing system since we last talked via these newsletters. Every few years an update is necessary -- and this was recently done, in my case. I discuss some matters related to the update in this month's newsletter.
From a home computing point of view --
Many of you may have just started down the path of home computing, and if you are in that set of people: I encourage you to browse earlier SCScompA newsletters if you have not already done so.
All of you: Don't hesitate to send me any comments/questions/concerns that you may have regarding material presented in these newsletters.
Let's begin, as usual, the newsletter with a couple of scanned (I use an Epson Perfection 4180 Photo scanner) comics. (I show these as a sample of scanning material and using the results of the scanning process. The scanned image has been adjusted with PaintShop Pro. For example, the scanned material ends up in the computer with a "grayness" the color of the newspaper and PaintShop Pro is used to "swap" that color with "white". Also, writing on a scanned image is shown. Your home computer system's image-processing application may be used to do similar functions).
I wish you success with your use of home computing systems.
Contact me regarding any matter in this newsletter that causes you concern or you want to otherwise discuss.
Dave Shogren
eMail to:
Recent Upgrades To My Home Computing Environment |
Every few years I need to upgrade my primary home computer. Those of you who regularly read my newsletters know that I adhere to the "$3000" rule: When purchasing a home computer system, budget $3000 for your computer, software, and primary connecting devices. Well, I purchased my replacement computer for around $1600. I did not need to purchase software (I have it from the replaced-system) (for example: Windows 2000 Pro, Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, plus imaging software (I use PaintShop Pro) and other miscellaneous software. I also did not have to purchase a display, printer or scanner (I had replaced the printer and scanner earlier in the month... the display that I have is fine). If I added these amounts to the computer's $1600 I would have been around the $3000 figure. I purchased the computer from a local store that I have used in the past (in fact, the same store was used for the replaced computer that had been purchased seven years ago; a nice "run" for a home computer). The Computer The system I purchased included:
I mention the above configuration and costs as a potential price/guide/comparison for use if you are going to replace/upgrade your home computing system soon.
Certainly, you may decide to not get a system as described above. For example:
The above are thoughts that come immediately to mind as reminders for a home computer purchaser. If you have additional thoughts or questions about the above configuration, don't hesitate to send me an eMail. Printer Shortly before my seven-year-old PC decided to not work any longer, my second (in the seven years) printer needed new cartridges. This is a normal situation -- and I fully intended to purchase the cartridges and continue with the "old" (it was nearly 3-years old) printer. However, when I got to the store for purchasing the total of $65 USA two cartridges -- I opted to get a new printer. All of the above discussion is with regards to HP (Hewlett Packard) printers. I have "always" used HP printers -- and, other than replacing the cartridges at $65 each six months or so (at my print rate/style: I probably print more color than most home computer users, and I use "normal" print output all the time rather than use "draft" as a default and, in turn, choose a higher print detail if needed. I do use "normal" all the time for color; the HP quality at normal is sufficient for my use). In any case - for less than $200 USA plus a $50 mail-in rebate from HP (promised, but not here yet.... as with many such-promised rebates...) - I purchase an HP 5650 Deskjdet printer. I really like it. I am sure there are a number of competitors in the printing field that do as good a job and are as usable -- but, it is the best HP printer I have had for home computing. The bad news: I would guess that the model has been replaced by HP with something "better" -- and the "replacement" model has different print cartridges! That seems to be a familiar path in HP's strategy. However, if I was going to buy an HP printer for home computing use: I would contact HP printer support via their Web page and see what they recommend as a replacement to the HP 5650.
What do I like about the printer:
A home computer user should be able to enjoy three years or more of a printer such as the HP 5650. A few dislikes/comments:
Scanner I was not expecting to replace my old scanner (a parallel-port connected Microtek Scanmaker V6UPL). It had been working fine. After installing the new PC I connected the parallel cable from the old scanner to the new PC -- and tried to get it to work. A couple of times since I purchased the Microtek V6UPL I had to re-install the parallel-connected scanner and, when so doing, it took a few "attempts" to get it to work.... but, eventually was successful. In this installation, however, the installed scanner worked one day! Then, it gave up. Why? Who knows. Certainly, not Microtek tech support or I. We tried. No luck. So - I went to the Web, looked up "scanner reviews" and tried to read up a little on what other people's experiences were with the "latest" home-computer-oriented scanner (approximately $200 USA budget). What I found was the Epson Perfection 4180 Photo scanner. So far, after six-weeks or so: I am very pleased.
What I like about the scanner:
What I dislike about the scanner:
Digital Camera This summer, a few months before the PC broke, I added to my home computing environment a new digital camera. As those of you who follow my Web page have seen in previous newsletters, I use my digital camera a lot and emphasize sharing/using/showing digital camera results on a PC display -- and, printing selected digital camera results. My first digital camera, still working fine, was a 1.5 megapixel Olympus. It is now five years old -- and I replaced it with another Olympus camera, a C-5050ZOOM. The Olympus C5050ZOOM is a "5 Megapixel" camera; certainly, a step above the previous 5-year-old 1.5 Megapixel camera I was used to. Again, as with the other home computer user's equipment mentioned earlier in this newsletter: I am pleased with the C5050ZOOM.
A few things that I like about the C5050ZOOM:
Dislikes that I currently have with the C-5050ZOOM include the following.
The good news: I like the Olympus C-5050ZOOM. The bad news? They (Olympus) have no doubt replaced that model with another. What I would do if I were looking to purchase a digital camera in the price range of $400, would be to ask Olympus (or whatever digital camera manufacturer I choose) to try to recommend a match for the characteristics/ability of the Olympus C-5050ZOOM and then go to the Web and see if I could find a few online reviews of that suggested camera. Although the Web reviews are, sometimes, suspect... it is still something I tend to do rather than just purchase "blind".
PC VirusScan and Firewall My previous McAfee VirusScan renew-DAT contract was over awhile ago. Although I was able to continue to upgrade the DAT (VirusScan specifics for the application's work), I eventually needed to renew the contract. I decided to upgrade from VirusScan Version 8, to their latest offering -- rather than simply renewing the DAT contract. Mistake. Let's start with my dislikes:
What I like about the McAfee applications I purchased:
----------------------------------------- Good luck with your additions/upgrades in your home computing environment! I will be expanding upon some of the above comments in 2005 newsletters. |
This Month's Example of Scanned Material and/or Digital Photographs |
In most of my newsletters, I show a few examples of using an HTM-type approach at sharing photographs or other material including scanned images with family/friends. This month I discuss/show examples of:
To see this month's example click anywhere on the following image, or, on the link below the image.
Link to This Month's Photograph Examples from SCScompA (if you did not click on the above image).
Don't hesitate to contact with any comments regarding the above or for any related discussion.
Miscellaneous Comments Regarding Home Computer Use Matters that Came Up in July-thru-November 2004 |
Maintenance Matters. (I discuss a couple of maintenance items in the newsletter item above, in case you missed that item - browse, when you get a chance).
This area is a repeat from previous newsletters -- but it is worth continuing to include in current newsletters as well. I apologize for the repetition, but the topic is important.
Have a good, maintenance-free time until we talk again. Contact SCScompA if you have any comments or questions about the above. |
FreeCell Game/Deal of the Month
We continue, in our household, doing FreeCell deals from 1-to-32000! We will NOT accomplish this task. We know that. However, as we go along in our for-fun-effort, yet frustration... I will mention once in awhile specific FreeCell deals we find challenging.
Note: If you are running your PC on Windows 98, it is possible you have to specifically install FreeCell. Just install Accessories/Games. Let me know if these FreeCell games and the number of times we had to restart to solve the deal is about what you find. If you are going to attack deals 1-to-32000 and want to interact with us in that regard, let me know what thousand-or-so you are going to start with. We have completed deals through 3000. Now, we are attacking 3001-to-4000 and I would recommend you start with 4001! At the rate we are going (a little more than 100 deals a month) it will only take us 24 more years to complete the 32000 deals without your help. If you let us know what you have completed, it will take us less time! I am adding to this column in the newsletter a few "special" games that we found during the month.
Let me know how YOU do! If you want to see our list of FreeCell Deals 1-thru-what we are working on now and our comments on how many times we had to restart the deal to find a solution, let me know -- or click on: SCScompA FreeCell Table of Completed Deals
Or send snail-mail to:
P.O. Box 58223
Raleigh NC 27658
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