The following four pictures have been saved using PaintShop Pro and its options for JPG (JPEG) compression. Let me know how the quality of each appears on your display.
In each example is reported the PaintShop Pro compression factor and the size of the JPG on the hard disk -- and, what was downloaded for showing on your display.
For this example, using a PaintShop Pro compression factor of 20 had no affect on the size of the file. The other two compression factors used (50 and 75) had noticeable affect on disk space. Let me know if the on-your-display quality is noticeable for any of the following.
I did not print the various examples to see the difference in print quality. Perhaps we do that next month!
This picture was the base picture used for this test. The picture originated in an Olympus digital camera and modified slightly with PaintShop Pro (brightness and contrast).
With PaintShop Pro JPG compression 20, there was no difference in hard disk file size or noticeable difference in shown-picture quality.
With PaintShop Pro JPG compression 50, there was significant difference in hard disk file size -- and, the download time to be shown on your display. Let me know if the quality of the show picture is different for you.
With PaintShop Pro JPG compression 75, there was an additional difference in hard disk file size -- and, the download time to be shown on your display. Again: Let me know if the quality of the show picture is different for you.
By the way: The picture used in this example is from a Scotland golf course (Gullane #2, 13th hole) and it just happens to be my favorite Par 4 of the holes we play each April when we are fortunate to visit Scotland. Let me know if you are a golfer and have played Gullane, as well!
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