Approximate Time-Period(s) at WTSC
Project(s) Worked on at WTSC
And first-names of persons
worked with, if can be remembered!
"Current" Information for Sharing
Mike Turin
eMail: Mike Turin
1970? to ????. (Mike knows... I just do not know - Yet)
(From Dave Shogren: I am paraphrasing the following from a very brief phone discussion I had today: January 24, 2022 with Mike). Someday Mike and I catch up with each other and make these comments "more proper". For now....
I was on assignment to IBM Europe and was fortunate to have a financial "discussion" with IBM Europe management" who accepted my proposal for a "methodology" for assisting the IBM Europe Systems Engineers. (From Dave Shogren: Thank you, Mike -- the idea was perfect and resulted in my wonderful 22 years 1976-1998 with IBM World Trade in Raleigh).
--- Back to Mike....
I returned from Europe, opened the WTSC centers in Poughkeepsie, Stuttgart, Raleigh, Palo Alto, etc. and: We were on our way! (Once again - From Dave Shogren: I am sure Mike has a million stories to tell and would word this area of this Web page properly if there was interest-by-others in doing so).
More from Mike? Stay tuned!)
I remain in touch with a few "WTSC" persons and I interact regularly with Julian Suez (From Dave Shogren again: I may have spelled Julian's name incorrectly: I remember the name "Julian Suez" -- but, I am quite sure he/I did not interact much; he did not show up in my old "Names" file).
Approximate Time-Period(s) at WTSC
Project(s) Worked on at WTSC
And first-names of persons
worked with, if can be remembered!
"Current" Information for Sharing
Bill Tucker
eMail: Bill Tucker
1965 to 1990.
I was in the Poughkeepsie "WTSC" (I think it was originally called something different) from about 1965 to 1973, and with the Palo Alto/Santa Teresa WTSC from then until, I think 1987. At that time, I joined the US company in Palo Alto, from which I took early retirement in 1990.
The WTSC experience was a highlight. I thought I had the best job in IBM for almost the whole time I was in the WTSCs.
In 2009 I moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where I now live.
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Thank you for your patience in reading this. If I hear from you: Terrific!
Dave Shogren
send mail to: Dave Shogren
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