WTSC User Group
Web Page Last update was: 2023

Home Page 1970s and Beyond Assignees 1970s Residents 1980s and Beyond Residents WTSC Information/Feedback Web Form

These pages are intended to convey some of the information that has come forward. The purpose of showing the information is simply to provide a starting place for any interactions that might come about later between you and any of the person(s) mentioned below. Thank you for letting us know if ANY of the following is incorrect or should not be included here. Regards, eMail: Dave Shogren


Approximate Time-Period(s) at WTSC Project(s) Worked on at WTSC
And first-names of persons worked with, if can be remembered!
"Current" Information for Sharing
Mike Turin
eMail: Mike Turin
1970? to ????. (Mike knows... I just do not know - Yet) (From Dave Shogren: I am paraphrasing the following from a very brief phone discussion I had today: January 24, 2022 with Mike). Someday Mike and I catch up with each other and make these comments "more proper". For now....
I was on assignment to IBM Europe and was fortunate to have a financial "discussion" with IBM Europe management" who accepted my proposal for a "methodology" for assisting the IBM Europe Systems Engineers. (From Dave Shogren: Thank you, Mike -- the idea was perfect and resulted in my wonderful 22 years 1976-1998 with IBM World Trade in Raleigh).
Back to Mike....

I returned from Europe, opened the WTSC centers in Poughkeepsie, Stuttgart, Raleigh, Palo Alto, etc. and: We were on our way! (Once again - From Dave Shogren: I am sure Mike has a million stories to tell and would word this area of this Web page properly if there was interest-by-others in doing so).

More from Mike? Stay tuned!)

I remain in touch with a few "WTSC" persons and I interact regularly with Julian Suez (From Dave Shogren again: I may have spelled Julian's name incorrectly: I remember the name "Julian Suez" -- but, I am quite sure he/I did not interact much; he did not show up in my old "Names" file).

Approximate Time-Period(s) at WTSC Project(s) Worked on at WTSC
And first-names of persons worked with, if can be remembered!
"Current" Information for Sharing
Bill Tucker
eMail: Bill Tucker
1965 to 1990. I was in the Poughkeepsie "WTSC" (I think it was originally called something different) from about 1965 to 1973, and with the Palo Alto/Santa Teresa WTSC from then until, I think 1987. At that time, I joined the US company in Palo Alto, from which I took early retirement in 1990.

The WTSC experience was a highlight.  I thought I had the best job in IBM for almost the whole time I was in the WTSCs.

In 2009 I moved to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where I now live.

Privacy: It is this site's aim to NEVER use, publish or re-distribute any eMail IDs. Likewise, it is intended that anything discussed on this site is impersonal and, via the site, a participant's name/address - or anything such - will never appear on the site. Naturally, I (as owner of the site) will know some specifics; Those specifics will NEVER intentionally be published - anywhere.

Thank you for your patience in reading this. If I hear from you: Terrific!

Dave Shogren

send mail to: Dave Shogren

To provide ease in getting back to me for additions to this Website, please go to: WTSC Information/Feedback Web Form

© Dave Shogren
P.O. Box 58223
Raleigh, NC 27658
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: Dave Shogren

This website offers links to other sites outside the purview of Dave Shogren. Dave Shogren claims no responsibility for the content of any linked site and does not necessarily endorse the content of these links. These links are in place for your convenience only.