WTSC User Group
Web Page Last update was: 2023

Home Page

1970s and Beyond Assignees

1970s Residents

1980s and Beyond

This page is, simply, intended to save time for those of you who are interested in participating in this "User Group". If you have any probloems or concerns with this Web form just send an eMail to the address shown in the following section.

WTSC User Group Information and/or Feedback

Note: If you prefer not to use the following Web form, just send an eMail to: send mail to: Dave Shogren

WTSC User Group Information and/or Feedback Web Form

*** Your Name:
*** Your eMail:

Approximate Time Period(s) at WTSC:

Project(s) Worked on at WTSC:
And names of persons worked with, if can be remembered!

"Current" Information for Sharing:

Any general comment about the WTSC User Group (Optional):

*** Required


Anything submitted, above, will go to Dave Shogren. The information will be placed on the Website and you will be notified when that is completed. Of course, at anytime, you simply contact Dave Shogren to modify/delete any of the information.

© Dave Shogren
P.O. Box 58223
Raleigh, NC 27658
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: Dave Shogren

This website offers links to other sites outside the purview of Dave Shogren. Dave Shogren claims no responsibility for the content of any linked site and does not necessarily endorse the content of these links. These links are in place for your convenience only.