Tee Placement
I asked the USGA, by eMail, the following. I place the following, here, in case any of you want to comment-back.
Tee Placement
I browsed the USGA Website for the purpose of investigating if there are any "official" guidelines for tee placement. I apologize if this comment does not make sense! Let me try to explain: Over the past couple of years, the club that I belong to here in Raleigh NC has spent a lot of time/effort on placing tees.
As our club membership changes (for example: age, gender, player ability) the club "struggles" (in my opinion) with "where tees should be" to maintain enjoyment / competitiveness and other matters.
I am wondering if the USGA has ever published something that could be used by golfers/committees in this matter.
Personally, I don't "care" what tee my fellow competitor(s) or playing partner(s) play from. Courtesy, etiquette, acceptance of other golfer's ability rate higher-up in my rating-of-the-golf-day's experience.
However, a simple matter of "Tee Placement" often seems to dominate in some situations -- and, if there was something "USGA" published: Wonderful. It would save me and, I assume others: Some time/effort.
Thank you for a comeback at your convenience!
SCScompA on 07.30.09 @ 03:30 PM CST [Add Your Comment] [1 Comment]