The Cancer Challenge at North Ridge Country Club
Breast and Prostate Cancer Challenge
Auction, Golf and Tennis Tournaments
Raleigh NC USA


We had tributes displayed on the day of our 2007 event in recognition of a cancer survivor or a memorial to someone who has lost their cancer battle.

If you wish to add a Tribute to this Web page between now and sometime in 2008 as we prepare for that event -- please fill out information in the following form and we will contact you.

(We suggest a minimum donation of $15 per tribute). Any Tribute donations received between now and our 2007 event will be included in the 2007 event donation total.

If you fill out the following Web form, we will contact you.

You may drop off your Tribute information at the Reception Desk at North Ridge Country Club or mail to:

Val Gentile
P.O. Box 99502
Raleigh. NC 27624-9502.

2007 checks were made out to The Rex Hospital Foundation. For now, if you wish to participate for the 2008 event, please use the same; if the 2008 event committee selects a different charity group, we will update this Web page.

Please note that addresses are required for year end tax deduction letters. E-mail addresses enable us to confirm your participation.

October 16, 2007


In Honor Of In Memory Of

Dee Bailey

Charles Brantley

Mary Boswell

Monique Copeland

Liz Dwarica


Clara Galleshaw

Marcy Garside

Marjorie Geer

Marie Goldstein

Ann Lynn Grant

Jennifer Green

Helen Hargrove

Amy Heyel

Doug Heyel

Pam Hogg

Jan Hoomani

Carol Kruger Horn

Donna Hunter

Jean Massey Irvin

Tom Joyce

Tripp Kimrough

Joyce Lipshutz

Nancy LoBraico

David L. Munro

Debbie Myers

My NRCC Buddies

Candace Nagel

Lynn Newman

Craig Price

Barbara Rack

Susan Richards

Dr. John Schenkel

Rose Schenckel

Kay Schoellhorn

Sherry Sponseller

Nancy Waddill

Marilyn Adams

Martha Barry

Sondra Barry

Margaret Bittman

Richard P. Bordone

Shirley Bregg

Allene Brown

Glaga Brown

Chris Bunn

Edna Chapman

Neil Chapman

Maude Cress

Inez Drummond

Roger Elmore

James Galleshaw

Kent Geer

David Goldstein

Rosetta Goldstein

Bob Gordon

Carol Gordon

Sue Gourley

John Greiner

Lydgia Greiner

Patricia Holt

Pat Howe

Mrs. Hoying

Sheila Horn

Mary Hunt

Barbara Jackson

Janice Joyce

Hazel Keener

Janet Koziol

D. Libertini

Donna Lynch

Jean Lynch

Christine Lyons

Barbara Mannen

Don Marchewka

Ruth Massey

Vivian Massey

Bob and Helen McAllister

Bill Millar

Edna Mills

George Nelson

Isabell Newman

Jane Walker Perkinson

Bill Price

Roy Price

Bob Reuther

Frederick Rollinson, Jr.

Carolyn Rose

Bobbie Schwenker

Fred Shriner

George Simson

Betty Stewart

Jane Striegel

Karl Striegel

Joseph Szostak

Jim Talton

Nealie Thomas

Trudy Walker

C.B. Weiss

Delbert Williams

Anna K. Wilson

Lenore Wilson

Azalea Wiygul

If you would like to participate in - or provide us information regarding the tributes at this time - just send us an eMail or complete the following form and we will get back to you.

(Note: Not all fields are necessary; just enough for us to get back to you is normally sufficient).

In Honor Of:

In Memory Of:







Do you wish to have the above
shown on our Web Site Tributes' Web Page?

Your Name:

Company (If that applies):

Position (If that applies):

Your Address:
Address Continued
City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone:
Your eMail Address:
Preferred Golf Course for 18th-Hole Tribute if we do that.
Otherwise, the Tributes will be as done in 2007
in front of all golfers who step to the golf driving range and on a poster shown in the main ballroom for the after-golf auction/social.
(Lakes-18 or Oaks Double-Nine)
Any other information you would like to provide at this time. For example, if you want to have a comment placed in a clickable area of this Web page about the honored person, just add that comment here. The comment, when placed on the page will be shown if anyone clicks on the honored person's name. This is strictly optional.
Max 800 characters.

Max 800 characters


To contact us other-than by using the above form:

eMail: The Cancer Challenge at North Ridge Country Club


To see 2006 tributes registered on the Web page, click on:
2006 The Cancer Challenge at North Ridge Country Club Tributes Web Page.

Challenge Event Home Page

Auction Information

Golf Information
Tennis Information

Sponsor Information

Questions and Feedback


Use your Web browser's Back button or click on the following: The Cancer Challenge at North Ridge Country Club main Web page.