SCScompA Testing Imagemaps

Testing 1 Imagemap usemap - Four Panels - Total 200 Pixels x 200 Pixels

The following examples are intended to give you an introduction to the HTM "usemap" capability. If you are not interested in HTM or "usemap" at this time, simply use your Web browser Back button or otherwise exit this Web page.

Click here to see Oaks 8th Hole Click here to see Oaks 9th Hole Click here to see Oaks 10th Hole Click here to see Oaks 11th Hole

Testing 1 Imagemap usemap - Four Panels - Total 400 Pixels x 400 Pixels

You are in Rectangle 1 You are in Rectangle 2 You are in Rectangle 3 You are in Rectangle 4

Testing 2 Imagemap usemap - Nine Panels - Total 300 Pixels x 300 Pixels

You are in Rectangle 1 You are in Rectangle 2 You are in Rectangle 3 You are in Rectangle 4 You are in Rectangle 5 You are in Rectangle 6 You are in Rectangle 7 You are in Rectangle 8 You are in Rectangle 9

Additional Comments on Using HTM usemap

As you went through the above examples, it was intended you notice the following matters:

  • The above examples use a "rectangle" approach at dividing the to-be-clicked-on picture into identified areas. Instead of a rectangle the "usemap" feature allows for circles or polygons. Rectangles are quite easy to define as shown by the above coordinates mentioned on two of the above examples.

  • Defining the rectangle's coordinates takes a little practice -- but, if you have access to a product such as PaintShop Pro that shows pictures inside a "scale" you will quickly see how the coordinates are defined. As you move the mouse through a picture in PaintShop Pro you will see what coordinates a portion of picture is bounded by.

  • Sometimes, the text intended to show up as the mouse is moved through the to-be-click-on-picture does not appear. Why? I am not sure.... So far, I suspect a parameter or error in Netscape -- but, I am not certain. Internet Explorer, in my testing, was more consistent in showing the intended text.

  • If you want to download the ZIP of the above examples (four JPGs and a number of small HTM files), Download: Usemap Example Zip File

Good luck with your use of the HTM "usemap" feature!

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