Senior Mens Golf Association - North Ridge Country Club
Raleigh NC USA

Oaks Course Renovation 2019 Photos

Photos on This Page Last Updated: May 27, 2019 (Date Photos taken)
Oaks 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Areas Updates - May 27, 2019 (May 15)
Oaks 1st and 18th Areas Updated - May 21, 2019 (May 15)
Oaks 6th Tee Area updated - April 16, 2019
This WebPage started - March 23, 2019

This Web page contains photos of (primarily) Oaks Golf Course photos taken at North Ridge CC over the time of the 2019 Oaks Golf Course renovation March -thru- (probably) November, 2019. These photos are simply placed here for saving purposes and this project / Website is not in any way an official part of North Ridge Country Club. The photos/site are purely taken as part of my interest and are shared for others who have a common interest in this matter. Period.

Comments, below and throughout this Website are my own. I have no knowledge/information about the project other than what is generally available to we members of North Ridge CC. My comments are flavored a bit by the general comments that were presented to us in March, 2019 by the golf course architect involved in this project and other presenters at the member's meeting. I do not have access to additional information -- and, my comments may very-well be "incorrect"/misleading. I apologize about that, ahead of time!

If you have pictures of North Ridge CC that you feel would contribute to this site: Thank you, in advance, for contacting me.

Dave Shogren, eMail:

Selected Oaks Course Renovation 2019 Photos

Information, below, is shown in Oaks Golf Hole order -- and, within that Oaks Golf Hole:
The most recent photos are shown at the end of that Oaks Golf Hole.

(Clicking on any of the photos, below, should show the image in larger-size).


March 23, 2019

Our walk-around today took us thru Oaks 1st, 2nd, 3rd tee, 4th, 5th fairway tee shot landing area, 16th, 17th and 18th. I suspect this will be a regular route that my wife and I take from now until November, 2019.

Walking to the Oaks Course

Note (shown in the background of these photos) that the Tree-Removal activity that is part of the renovation is "in full swing". The greens will benefit from "better air movement", that is certain.

Walking to the Oaks 1st Tee

March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019

Oaks Renovation 2019 - 1st Hole

Getting Started on the Oaks Course

Some "Pre-Renovation" photos to get this Web page started. I was surprised that I did not take a 1st-tee photo/movie on this day.
I will try to remember to do so soon.

Oaks 1st Back Tee
(Prior to the March 2019 Oaks Course renovation)
March 17, 2019

Oaks 1st Approach / Green Area
(Prior to the March 2019 Oaks Course renovation)
May 13, 2018

Oaks 1st Green Area - Tree Clearing has started: View to Oaks 17th green.
March 17, 2019

A Week Later - Oaks 1st Green Area Views to Oaks 17th green

Note the "pile of dirt" between the 1st green and the 17th green. The dirt was, I assume, mostly from the result of the renovation's work as it removes mounds from greenside approach areas as well as from bunker removal/moving/adding work. Could it be the initial shaping of a Back Tee on Oaks #2? Oaks #18? Both? We see.
March 23, 2019

Viewed from opposite side (near Oaks 17th green, looking to Oaks 1st Green)

Is this an Oaks 2nd-hole and/or 18th-hole Back Tee in the Making?
If so, a "blind tee shot" for the Back Tee players, I guess.
We will see/know - eventually.
March 23, 2019

The "dirt pile" is growing and perhaps, even, Taking Shape for use a few years from now?
May 15, 2019

May 15, 2019

Interested in an in-progress video as the months move along?

In-Progress Video Oaks#1


Oaks Renovation 2019 - 2nd Hole

Oaks #2

Showing Oaks Course renovation work in progress after one week.
Again, some tree removal on the right side of the green is apparent.
Perhaps, room for another Back tee on the Par-3 3rd?
Note left-side approach area mounds at the green on #2 are removed.

Oaks 2nd Second Shot
March 23, 2019

Oaks 2nd Approach Shot / Green Area
March 23, 2019

Oaks 2nd Approach Shot / Green Area
March 23, 2019

Oaks 2nd Green Area - Left Side
Mounds are gone. New Pin Location available Left side.
May 15, 2019

Oaks 2nd Green Area - Right Side
"Smoothed Out Area" is apparent --
and, potential new 3rd hole Par-3 Back Tee is taking form.
May 15, 2019

Oaks 2nd Green Area - Right Side
Potential new 3rd hole Par-3 Back Tee is taking form...
May 15, 2019

Oaks Renovation 2019 - 3rd Hole

Oaks #3

Getting Started

Oaks 3rd Back Tee
March 23, 2019

Oaks 3rd Green Area
(Photo cropped from the Back Tee photo)
March 23, 2019

Oaks 3rd Green Area
May 15, 2019

Oaks Renovation 2019 - 4th Hole

Oaks #4

Getting Started
I don't know if the 4th Oaks (currently, "bunker-less" will get a greenside bunker). I also notice the cleared area left-side of the 4th green. Perhaps there is room there, now, for a "Pro tee" on the Oaks 5th?

Oaks 4th Approach Shot Green Area
March 23, 2019

Oaks 4th Green Area
(Photo cropped from the Approach Shot photo)
March 23, 2019

Oaks 4th Second Shot Area From Right-Side Cart Path
Looks like a trap will be added to this hole, left side of the green.
May 15, 2019

Interested in an in-progress video as the months move along?

In-Progress Video Oaks#4


Oaks Renovation 2019 - 5th Hole

Oaks #5

Getting Started
A new 5th Back Tee (they ae calling it a "Walk -Off" tee, if I understand corrrectly - just as you come off of the 4th Green) is taking shape.

Looking back to Oaks 4th Green Area Leading to New Oaks 5th Back Tee
May 15, 2019

Oaks 5th Second Shot Area
Showing How Trees Behind 5th Green "Cleared"
May 15, 2019

Oaks 5th Approach and Green Area showing more open green-approach area and cleared trees behind the 5th green.
May 15, 2019

May 15, 2019

May 15, 2019

Oaks Renovation 2019 - 6th Hole

Oaks #6
Getting Started

Tree-clearing... I should mention (if I had not mentioned it before in this area of the Website -- That, I am NOT against "open" golf holes. It is, just, going to be different playing the Oaks than it has been in the past (for example: I have often smiled on windy days, when - in the past - playing the Oaks as compared to the "windy" Lakes Course. I guess, now, the Oaks will be MUCH more "open" for we golf/walk(ers). Ok... We will still enjoy it! Just, we will wear our windbreakers more often than we have in the past...

Oaks 6th Tee Area View Over to Oaks 14th Green Area

April 10, 2019
Is this a possible 6th Back Tee area?....

April 3, 2016
April 10, 2019
Looking over Oaks 14th Fairway to Oaks 13th Tee Area
This will be a nice view, I am sure....

Oaks #6 Tee Views

Oaks 6th Back Tee April 10, 2019

November 18, 2018

Oaks 6th Regular Tee April 10, 2019

November 18, 2018

Oaks 6th Forward (White) Tee April 10, 2019

Clearly, the Trees have been cleared in the left-side and right-side tee-shot landing areas -- and: The in-the-6th-Fairway tree is gone.

November 18, 2018

Interested in an in-progress video as the months move along?

In-Progress Video Oaks #6


Oaks Renovation 2019 - 16th Hole

Oaks #16
Getting Started

I love this green.... and, the approach area.... The protected-green on both sides (trap left front and mounds right front) have always been "fun" to navigate -- and, the green putts very true and is quite quick back to front. The architect's plans / actions will be interesting to follow as the months move on.

Tree-clearing near the green? I would have to look at a previously-taken photo to be sure -- but, the "Lone Pine" shown in the next photo seems to stand-out more than I remember it in the recent past (two weeks ago...). Perhaps I, just, never "really" noticed it before?

Oaks 16th Approach Shot Green Area
March 23, 2019

Interested in an in-progress video as the months move along?

In-Progress Video Oaks#16


Oaks Renovation 2019 - 17th Hole

Oaks #17
Getting Started

Again, the architect has plans (if I understood correctly) to eliminate a lot of the mounds protecting this green. We look forward to seeing what it looks like from here in a few months.

Again, tree-clearing (especially behind) the green is apparent. I mentioned earlier, when discussing the Oaks 1st Green area -- there is a mound of dirt behind this Oaks 17th that... could it?... be used for forming a VERY Back tee for Oaks #2?

Oaks 17th Approach Shot Green Area
March 23, 2019
(Stay tuned for me to place, here, a photo from this spot, taken prior to the tree clearing.... I am quite sure that i can find such a photo - I just have to remember to do so...).

Oaks 17th Approach Shot Green Area
March 23, 2019
(A cropped photo from the Approach Shot photo).

Oaks 17th Green Area - Mounds are Apparent
What will they look like in a few months? Stay tuned.
March 23, 2019

"Dirt" pile behind Oaks 17th Green
March 23, 2019
Does this look like an Oaks #2 tee being prepared? I guess a "blind tee" would work... for a "big hitter".

Interested in an in-progress video as the months move along?

In-Progress Video Oaks #17


Oaks Renovation 2019 - 18th Hole

Oaks #18
Getting Started

An Oaks #18 Back Tee "before" photo, taken on March 23, 2019 to get us started with looking at Oaks 18th renovation 2019.

Oaks 18th Back Tee
March 23, 2019

Oaks 18th Tee, Looking to Oaks 1st Green area / Oaks 2nd Tee and Oaks 17th Green area.

Once again, tree-clearing as you look over to the Oaks 1st green area / Oaks 2nd Tee and Oaks 17th green area is apparent.

March 23, 2019

Oaks 18th Green Area - With just SOME of the 2019 Tree Clearing Completed
What will this look like in a short time? Stay tuned.
March 23, 2019

Oaks 18th Green Area - (A cropped photo)
March 23, 2019

More of Oaks 18th Green Area - Mounds still in place and just SOME of the 2019 Tree Clearing Completed
Stay tuned...

March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019

Oaks #18...
Tree Clearing Around Oaks 18th Green Area

I look forward to seeing what the landscaping crew comes up with as a replacement/improvement. Exciting, eh?

View from Clubhouse Deck to Oaks 18th Green Area
(This is a "put together" photo, just to position the view-location. I will replace this photo - someday).
March 28, 2019

View of 18th Green Area and Clubhouse from 18th Chip-Shot Area
March 28, 2019

View of 18th Green Area and Clubhouse from 18th Fairway Area
March 23, 2019

Things Are Taking Shape!
As Viewed From Oaks 18th Green Area "Back down the hole" to the Oaks 18th "New Corner"
April 28, 2019

View of 18th Green Area and Clubhouse from 18th Approach Area Cart Path
May 15, 2019

Oaks 18th Approach Shot Area

May 15, 2019

June 24, 2018

View of 18th Second Shot Area With "New Corner" and Saved Hardwood Trees
May 15, 2019

View of 18th Second Shot Area BEFORE "New Corner"
(Taken further back, than the shown-to-the-left photo).
August 26, 2018

Oaks 18th "New Corner" Area
May 15, 2019

Oaks 18th "New Corner" Area...
May 15, 2019

(A Cropped Poto From the Above "New Corner" Area Photo)

Interested in an in-progress video as the months move along?

In-Progress Video Oaks #18


To see "normal-recent" photos from 2019's Web page go to:
Recent Golf Course Photos of North Ridge CC

If you have any concerns/feedback on the above, please send that to: Dave Shogren, eMail:

Thank you for your cooperation!

© North Ridge Country Club Senior Mens Golf Association (SGA)
6612 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27611-8041
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